Royal Clowns

James Delingpole::

Prince William has confirmed that he’s at least as dodgy a kingly prospect as his father the Prince of Wales by calling for a ‘Reset.’

William, who is second in line to the British throne, slipped the codeword into a video broadcast for the environmental charity Conservation International.

‘All of us, across all sectors of society, and in every corner of the globe must come together to fundamentally reset our relationship with nature and our trajectory as a species.’

First it was Charles, Then it was Harry and Meghan Markle. Now it’s William.

I’m getting sick of all these noisy princes.

They’re a bunch of woke clowns.

What do they know that I don’t?

The Queen seems to be the only royal with her head screwed on properly.

What’s going to happen when she’s gone? I expect the public standing of the royal family will collapse. She’s the only one keeping it afloat.

She’s always stayed above politics. But the rest of these clowns don’t.

The French had a revolution 200 years ago. The Russians had one 100 years ago. Perhaps it’s Britain’s turn next. Who’s going to be our next Oliver Cromwell?


P.S. RIP Prince Philip. James Delingpole:

The late Duke of Edinburgh was no fool. One way he showed this was in his attitude to the climate change scare: unlike his idiot son Charles or his brainwashed grandsons William and Harry, he knew it to be a load of old nonsense

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The British Police State


Mr Farage reminded Britons during a YouTube broadcast on Wednesday that he had warned the government was “taking far too much power” and eroding Britons’ liberties for several months, but that “all of this went a step too far” following Hancock’s “diktat”, saying the health minister had become “completely drunk on his own power”.

“We are fast becoming a police state,” Mr Farage later remarked.

Former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption had also warned that government ministers’ ability to force through new measures and police expanded powers to enforce it made Britain increasingly look like a “police state”.

This is nothing new. Britain has been a police state since the smoking ban of 1 July 2007. Current plans are simply for the extension of this police state in response to the vastly exaggerated Covid pandemic.

But nobody ever points this out. Not even Nigel Farage or Laurence Fox.

Perhaps a police state was always inevitable once vast amounts of data on everybody started being stored on computer. It became a police state when the state set out to control its own people’s customs. This first applied to smoking, but soon it will apply to everything else – e.g. diet, clothing. religion

Britain will remain a police state until people can once again sit in a pub and drink a pint of beer and smoke a cigarette.

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No End to Pandemics


Instead of dealing with the headaches, fatigue and neurological aftereffects of the virus, however, “we the people” may well find ourselves burdened with a Nanny State inclined to use its draconian pandemic powers to protect us from ourselves.
Therein lies the danger of the government’s growing addiction to power.

This has already happened. And it happened a long time ago. The July 2007 smoking ban was a draconian lockdown of smokers against the smoking “pandemic”. It could be achieved because smokers had become a small minority who could be easily isolated.

The government learned a lot from that. The current lockdown is a repeat of the exercise, using a different but equally exaggerated pandemic. But this time everyone gets locked down, everyone gets isolated

Public Health now trumps everything else. And so now we can expect that all future lockdowns will invoke Public Health. It’s more important than free speech, democracy, and every existing law. It’s the only thing that matters.

So when the current Covid health emergency ends, it will be followed by another one.

In fact, there seems to be no end to the Covid pandemic. Exotic new variants are being found every week or two. It’s been going for a year, and looks set to last another year or two. It’s enormously economically and socially destructive, but so was the smoking ban. It served to concentrate power in government, and that’s what they want.

The end result, in the long run, will be the death of Public Health. Nobody will believe a word they say, and not just about the current pandemic, but everything else as well. The loss of faith will extend far beyond this. It will extend to science in general, and it will extend to the government. It could get very ugly.

Already we have.

UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years

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Human-Punishing Regulations


Morano noted, “Every major environmental figure [and] climate activist has praised the COVID [coronavirus] lockdowns as essentially a model for what we should be doing with climate, so that gives you an idea of where they want to go with the Green New Deal.”

“It’s an endless parade of human-punishing regulations,” he added.

And what else are smoking bans than human-punishing regulations?

These people hate humanity. They must hate themselves as well.

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Defiantly Waving a Cigarette

I thought this was a refreshing video.

In almost every video I watch these days, nobody ever smokes. It seems to be a compulsory part of the process of denormalising smoking to portray a world in which nobody ever smokes. James Delingpole advertises himself with a pipe in his mouth, but I’ve never actually seen him smoke a pipe.

But in this video Rod Liddle smokes all the way through. In fact he smokes three cigarettes. He chain-smokes. And makes no attempt to hide the fact.

And I watched not him but his cigarette. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, it was such an unusual sight.

I have no idea what he was talking about. BLM? Lockdowns? Something like that.

All I could see was a man defiantly waving a lit cigarette.

More power to Rod Liddle. May there be many more like him.

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Most Smokers Don’t Get Cancer

Not really any friend of smokers. about one minute in Lionel says: Most smokers don’t get cancer.

He’s right of course, but it’s not what it says on my tobacco packs.

Everything that’s said on tobacco packs is a lie.

One day that’ll bring the death of Tobacco Control. Public Health, the WHO, and all the rest of these bullying bastards..

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Pure escapism.

I found this video quite delightful. It’s the video record of a walk around the little Italian town of Portofino, and along the paths overlooking it in the hills above. The video records fragments of the conversation of passers-by, and the sound of cicadas in the bushes lining the paths, as well as road traffic and waves lapping on the harbour beach. There’s little or no accompanying commentary.

I was pleased to see ashtrays on many of the outdoor tables in the town. And if it had been up to me, I would have sat all day at one of those tables with a beer and a cigarette, quietly gazing on the colourful scene, the girls in summer clothes,. the boats moored in the harbour, and the deep blue Mediterranean sea.

Watching it was like a little holiday in itself.

There seem to be lots of such videos. I found one on the forum in Rome. And another on the town of Sorrento. I’m sure there are many more.

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Woke Meat Is Coming

An arresting headline:

Woke Meat Is Coming

It’ll consist of a slurry of crushed insects, apparently.


Alex Jones breaks down the growing medical tyranny takeover of humanity and why the people must take a stand now.

This medical tyranny has been going on a long time.

And so has this:

While the number of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 is carefully tracked by governments, few people have recognized how pandemic-spurred crackdowns have devastated democracy around the world. Emergency proclamations have entitled presidents and other government officials to seize vast new powers previously forbidden to them.

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I seem to have nothing to say these days. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s because Trump is no longer in office, and Joe Biden is boring. Or maybe it’s the endless lockdowns and the endless Covid-19. Or maybe it’s just because it’s winter.

Just one thing I noticed:

Wokeness is enhanced awareness of social and political injustice and the determination to eradicate it.

Somehow this wokeness never extends to awareness of the injustices and exclusions faced by smokers all over the world. It’s a selective wokeness. It’s really no wokeness at all. It’s unwokeness.

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The Experts are No Experts

Will they win the War on Smoking? Will we all stop smoking? Will tobacco become a distant memory?

I doubt it.

Is there anything else they’ve ever managed to stamp out? Cocaine? Cannabis? Opium? Alcohol?


Of course political and medical and scientific authorities want people to believe what they tell them. But do people believe whatever they’re told? No, of course not: everyone is able to think for themselves to some greater or lesser extent, and this is the foundation of scepticism.

I grew up in a time when tobacco was regarded as harmless, and cannabis was regarded as a very dangerous drug. Nowadays it’s the opposite way round: Cannabis is being legalised where tobacco is being banned. But the wheel of fortune keeps on spinning, and quite likely it’ll all change again sooner or later.

We should be glad that there are sceptics. It would be an awful world if everybody thought the same way about everything, in lockstep together. It would also be an awful world if nobody ever changed their minds. It would mean that nobody would ever learn anything. Learning anything entails changing your mind.

I think that what’s more likely to happen is that people will stop believing authorities. I already disbelieve most of them. I’m tired of their endless scaremongering. I’d guess that most other people are too. What else could happen? When everything is portrayed as an emergency, there ceases to be any emergency at all.

Is there a Climate Emergency? Of course not. All you need to do is look out of the window. If there were buckets of rain falling from black clouds all day, and sheets of lightning everywhere, perhaps there’d be something to worry about. But there isn’t. England yesterday was as cold and sunny as any other February day over the past 70 years. There was nothing at all remarkable about it.

So for all the expert alarmists’ warnings, personal experience regularly contradicts them. And so the experts are increasingly ignored. The experts are no experts. And any fool can see it.

Maybe one day they’ll get it right, but not yet.

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