For Comparison: The 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak

Rush Limbaugh:

I went back and looked at the stats and I was stunned. Are you ready for this? The swine flu outbreak in this country in 2009 and 2010, 60 million Americans were infected. Do you remember that? Sixty million were infected. Dr. Siegel, one of the Fox doctors was on TV explaining this last night. He was not my primary source for it, but he ended up confirming it. Sixty million people were infected.

Do you know how many people were hospitalized in 2009-2010 with the swine flu? Three hundred thousand were hospitalized. So 60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized. And nobody even remembers it.

307 million Americans, 60 million infected, 300 thousand hospialised. How many died? 12,500.

And nobody even remembers it.

So that’s a benchmark to keep in mind, when people start asking:

Can you imagine the societal meltdown that will ensue if 70 million Americans get infected?

To which the answer would seem to be: there’ll be no meltdown at all.

The coronavirus pandemic may be forgotten, but the accompanying correction will likely never be, as Lionel predicts:

I remember this from 1957:

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14 Responses to For Comparison: The 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak

  1. Rose says:

    Two things I didn’t know this morning.

    Medical Definition of downregulation. : the process of reducing or suppressing a response to a stimulus specifically : reduction in a cellular response to a molecule (as insulin) due to a decrease in the number of receptors on the cell surface.

    Ginger and its active ingredient 6-gingerol down regulate pro-inflammatory cytokine release by macrophages

    Conclusions: Reducing inflammation remains an important goal in many surgical conditions. Our data indicate that both ginger extract as well as 6-gingerol inhibits production of pro-inflammatory cytokines from macrophages. The data suggest that both these agents have the potential to reduce the inflammatory response possibly through the inhibition of the NFkB pathway. We, thus, provide a mechanistic insight into the anti-inflammatory properties of these agents that may benefit the inflammatory response in a variety of surgical conditions.

  2. smokingscot says:


    This video shows a guy with a neat way of pushing elevator buttons, then disinfecting the paper clip by running it through the naked flame.

    My question are does the virus die by exposure to a naked flame? And will it work on a tea cup by running the flame over the area i use to drink from?

  3. smokingscot says:

    Lots of chest thumping about them containing the virus in Wuhan and closing all the temporary hospitals.

    Now they’re exercising the same policy as the Italians. Leaving the old to die at home.

    I do not believe it’s fake, the boy is very clearly at his wits end and the injection thing at the end is for the guy who had the camera. What he’s done is very dangerous for him, respect laddie, you got guts.

    • Joe L. says:

      According to this article,

      The virus is sensitive to heat and can effectively inactivate the virus when it reaches a temperature of 56 °C for 30 minutes.

      So a temperature of 56 °C (132.8 °F) sustained for 30 minutes will apparently inactivate the virus. Presumably, the time required to inactivate the virus would decrease as the temperature increases. Assuming a yellow flame has a temperature of 600 °C – 1200 °C, I would think a direct flame would inactivate the virus within a matter of seconds. The person in the video you linked only kept the lighter lit for 2 seconds. While it’s possible that could do the trick, if you wanted to be certain, I would guess 10-15 seconds would probably be sufficient.

      • smokingscot says:

        Thank you Joe.

        I have experimented and found a normal lighter isn’t good. The flame just spreads across the surface of the cup and I needed to spend about 10 seconds in quite a small area, so in all it took 25 seconds to get the area well sterilised.

        However with a windproof lighter the flame is concentrated and staggeringly hot, meaning it’s much easier to hit the precise area and took about 10 seconds to blast the area sterile.

        So if you’re in any doubt about the hygiene of any establishment, then blast the bit you’ll drink from using a gas windproof lighter – and maybe their metal forks. It does no damage to either.

  4. DP says:

    Dear Mr Davis

    Anyone here know what the prophylactic dosage of smoking is for this virus? My thought is that a precautionary ciggie before venturing out and maybe one per hour while out with a final one on reaching the safety of home or the car ought to suffice.

    I don’t inhale – is it required? If the ‘experts’ are to be believed, I could inhale the second hand smoke I’ve just puffed out, and later, if I feel the need for a booster I could smell the third hand smoke on my clothes. Both of these seem to be of greater danger to the average passer-by than the first hand smoke the smoker inhales.

    If tobacco smoke does save people from the plague virus, then that nice Ms Arnott should immediately switch to vehemently promoting smoking for the sake of the nation’s health. To do otherwise would be a grave dereliction of her duty.


    • Frank Davis says:

      Anyone here know what the prophylactic dosage of smoking is for this virus?

      Unfortunately I have no idea

    • Vlad says:

      My guess is to listen to your body….don’t smoke if you don’t feel like you want to smoke. Just like weight training builds up your muscular and skeletal system(and others too), smoking builds up your immune system. Doing a few biceps curls won’t do much, just like smoking a cigarette won’t. It’s the consistency together with the whole lifestyle that matters.

    • Rose says:

      The only time I have ever heard anything like a dose mentioned was this

      “A medical student claims to have cured himself of a debilitating disease by taking up smoking.”

      “He had to rush to the toilet up to 15 times a day but is now completely symptom-free, thanks to a new four-a-day cigarette habit.”

      “‘Cigarettes, rather than patches, were the best option for me to get the nicotine.”

      But that may have been something of a misconception.

      Carbon Monoxide Soothes Inflammatory Bowel Disease

      “Doctors have long known that smokers rarely suffer from a common form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) called ulcerative colitis, but they didn’t know why.
      A new study in the December 19 issue of The Journal of Experimental Medicine might help explain this apparent resistance. Scott Plevy and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh now show that carbon monoxide (CO), a component of cigarette smoke, helps shut down the intestinal inflammation that causes ulcerative colitis.”

      “But recent scientific studies have shown that CO — at least at low concentrations — has a redeeming quality: it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent”

      “The group traced the action of inhaled CO to a protein that is produced by immune cells called interleukin (IL)-12. IL-12 is normally produced during infection and helps activate the immune cells that fight off the invading pathogens.
      But chronic production of IL-12 in the gut also drives the inflammation that causes ulcerative colitis.
      Inhaled CO inhibited the production of IL-12, short-circuiting the disease-causing inflammation.”
      https: //

      So I’m not convinced that taking up smoking would help at this late stage. However, as nothing is unique on this earth it might be a better idea to look for something that works similarly.

      I was rather pleased with that post on the properties of ginger at the top of the thread and thats exactly what I have been doing for a couple of years to ward off other peoples coughs, colds and flu after I come back in the hopes of killing of any bugs. But then again I do like crystalised stem ginger.

  5. Igrowmyown says:

    From the BBC online news
    “The first two patients to die in Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan China,detailed in the Lancet Medical journal,were seemingly healthy, although they were long-term smokers and that would have weakened their lungs.”

  6. Саня says:

    If they were long-term smokers I asume they were in solid age too ? How old exactly, around some 100 ?

    • Igrowmyown says:

      They were 61 and 69 years of age,but note that they only gave us the first two deaths because conveniently they were both smokers,how about figures on the first 20 or first 200 etc.

  7. Саня says:

    I’m quite sure this story is twisted, two in such age without any other health conditions, just smokers does not look right to me. It also looks like other first 20 or even first 200 were non-smokers then.

  8. Саня says:

    A friend of mine from Canada just wrote to me: Everyone is freaking out about the Covid virus. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has the virus and his wife has it too. The just came back from Europe.
    Wish our Boris got it too. Not a nice thing to say, but he spoiled my expectations. I hoped he could be a man who release us from health zealot terror, but he is not, he is on their leash.

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