French School Kids Allowed To Smoke

H/T  igrowmyown for this story in the Daily Mail:


French high schools allow students to smoke on the premises so extremists can’t try and convert them when they go outside for a cigarette

French high schools are allowing students to smoke on school grounds so that they don’t become targets for extremists when they gather for cigarette breaks on the street outside.

A leading union of school administrators first made the request five days after the November 13 attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead and 350 wounded.

Following a refusal by the health ministry, the SNPDEN union last week renewed its call for a loosening of the school smoking ban as long as France remains under a state of emergency.

And some schools have already gone ahead anyway, according to media reports.

Around one third of French teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 smoke, according to government statistics.

In its letter dated November 18, the SNPDEN union said: ‘During each recess, in more than 2,000 schools in France, dozens of youth or even hundreds at the largest establishments form static and compact groups in a predictable way for 15 to 20 minutes.’

The health ministry’s rejection letter late last year included a reminder that France is currently trying to cut the number of smokers by 10 percent by 2019, and said that ‘the state of emergency changes nothing’ regarding anti-smoking laws.

School directors who are caught permitting students to smoke in the courtyard risk a fine of between €135 (£102) and €750 (£568).

I suspect that what the schools are really worried about is not so much that their pupils will be targeted for conversion by Islamists during smoke breaks (conversion to Islam inside 10 minutes?), but rather that they’ll be targeted by Islamists with AK47s. After all, it was the smokers sitting outside Paris bistros that were the targets back in November. Schools were quick to notice this, it would seem.

And how encouraging that a third of French teenagers smoke. That’s a lot better than the school near me, where as far as I can see, none of them smoke. We could do with an exchange of French students here in Herefordshire, to show our lot how it’s done.

And interesting that school directors who permit smoking risk being fined, even though France is in a state of emergency. That’s how top down control works, just like it did in the UK where pub landlords who permitted smoking were hit with hefty fines. So that’s a dilemma: Do you obey the antismoking laws, and drive students out of school grounds to smoke in easily-targeted bunches for AK47-wielding Islamists (who are as antismoking as any French antismoking zealot) to slaughter, or do you flout the law and keep them out of sight of crazed Islamic gunmen?

In other French news, good for François Hollande:

Hollande-Rouhani lunch scrapped after Elysée Palace ‘refused to remove wine from menu’

The lunch with François Hollande was reportedly dropped as the French refused to bow to demand for halal meat to be served and for the wine to be left off the table

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60 Responses to French School Kids Allowed To Smoke

  1. harleyrider1978 says:

    I hope it continues if it takes terrorism to end prohibitionists dreams let the streets roll in blood.
    Terrible to say but we know the Nazis don’t give a fuck how many smokers get killed for whatever reasons.

  2. devinna says:

    From a security point of view,this is a great idea.However,from the health side,what a stupid idea!This is from a smoker of 47 years experience,who wishes he’d never started.You can’t take back time,or keep on thinking that it’ll never happen to me!Less than 5% of smokers go through life without any associated health problems.The rest of us will suffer some really horrid medical problems.Abstaining,is the best way to keep healthy!If you still want to enjoy tobacco,then switch to ECigs!😔

    • I’m sorry you have health issues, but never smokers die just as early and just as often and from the same diseases as smokers. My mother died of cancer (breast, which metastasized and spread into her hip, spine, and eventually killed her at age 44 after 8 years of being in and out of hospitals). She never smoked, never drank, and lived a fairly healthy and active life.

      Me? I smoke. I’m the only one in my family who does, and I think it’s the whole point of being an adult, just as drinking is. It’s my body, my life, my mind, my soul. I get to pamper it and treat it however I may choose. I had my first cigarette at age 8 and I loved it immediately. I didn’t become a regular smoker until I was thirty five. I’m turning 49 in a few months. I’ve dabbled in it for over 40 years, and have been doing it regularly for almost 15. I have no regrets at all about smoking. I don’t live with one foot in the grave. When my time comes, it comes. I’m at peace and I enjoy every day. I Hope you find the same peace in your life, and accept the fact that some people just aren’t at all interested in changing who they are, what they do, or explaining why they do. I have no desire to vape. I’ve tried it enough to know it lacks the very thing I love when I smoke; and that is the smoke!

      • Frank Davis says:

        Less than 5% of smokers go through life without any associated health problems.

        I’m nearly 68. I’ve been smoking since I was about 20. During the intervening 48 years I’ve had zero health problems (if the occasional cold is excluded). And I don’t remember any of my smoking friends being any different. In my experience, smokers no more have health problems than anyone else.

        • nisakiman says:

          Same as that, apart that I’m a year younger than Frank.

        • beobrigitte says:

          Good point! I am younger than Frank but started smoking a lot younger. (12) The FACT that I have just finished knocking down a wall (all by myself!) made me quite good using a sledge hammer.
          Smoking related illnesses? REALLY?

        • devinna says:

          Glad can swing a sledgehammer,I have plenty of work for you to do if you like❗😊❗ Lol

        • beobrigitte says:

          Devinna, I would love to take you up on your offer as it is good training for the race thingy I let myself in for.
          For as long as the job can wait for quite a while – I first have to knock down and rebuild the flimsy wall behind the kitchen sink… And when it gets warm again, it’s the ?ancient concrete fence posts (rotten and cracked at the top – superb in the ground) that will have to encounter me and my sledgehammer…. Then it is a case of manwalking quite a few flag stones….
          I am pretty booked up for this year…

          With respect to smoking/vaping; I do both as this way I do not have to buy tobacco in England. I travel fairly much and my visitors know what to bring me.
          I do have 3 siblings left (youngest died at the age of 17 in a road traffic accident); the one I am closest to was diagnosed with skin cancer a few months ago. She doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and is very health conscious; the latter being a great target for my jokes!

          I tend to take the same view of life as Some other Tom does: When my time comes, it comes. I’m at peace and I enjoy every day.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Less than 5% of smokers go through life without any associated health problems


      • harleyrider1978 says:

        Not 1 Death or Sickness Etiologically Assigned to Tobacco. All the diseases claimed to be attributed to smoking are also present in non smokers. It means, in other words, that they are multifactorial, that is, the result of the interaction of tens, hundreds, sometimes thousands of factors, either known or suspected contributors,

        Here’s my all-time favorite “scientific” study of the the anti-smoking campaign: “Lies, Damned Lies, & 400,000 Smoking-Related Deaths,” Robert A. Levy and Rosalind B. Marimont, Journal of Regulation, Vol. 21 (4), 1998.

        You can access the article for free on the Cato Institute’s wesbite, This article neither defends nor promotes smoking. Rather it condemns the abuse of statistics to misinform and scare the public. Levy, by the way taught Statistics for Lawyers at Georgetown University Law School. There is also a popular law school class called How to Lie With Statistics.

        death by medicine” is by far the larger concern. These deaths are real, real people with real families not some defective “public health” mafia computer generated stats (SAMMEC) where no real deaths or people are counted….


        A definitive review and
        close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government
        health statis tics shows that American medicine frequently causes
        more harm than good. The number of people having in-hospital,
        adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2
        million.1 Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in 1995,
        said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually
        for viral infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now
        refers to tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics.2, 2a

        The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures
        performed annually is 7.5 million.3 The number of
        people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9
        million.4 The total number of iatrogenic deaths
        shown in the following table is 783,936. It is evident that the
        American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury
        in the United States. The 2001 heart disease annual death rate
        is 699,697; the annual cancer death rate, 553,251.5

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Then not one damn single disease has ever been proven to be caused by smoking much less the bullshit SHS SCAM.

          7 October, the COT meeting on 26 October and the COC meeting on 18
          November 2004.

          “5. The Committees commented that tobacco smoke was a highly complex chemical mixture and that the causative agents for smoke induced diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, effects on reproduction and on offspring) was unknown. The mechanisms by which tobacco induced adverse effects were not established. The best information related to tobacco smoke – induced lung cancer, but even in this instance a detailed mechanism was not available. The Committees therefore agreed that on the basis of current knowledge it would be very difficult to identify a toxicological testing strategy or a biomonitoring approach for use in volunteer studies with smokers where the end-points determined or biomarkers measured were predictive of the overall burden of tobacco-induced adverse disease.”

          In other words … our first hand smoke theory is so lame we can’t even design a bogus lab experiment to prove it. In fact … we don’t even know how tobacco does all of the magical things we claim it does.

          The greatest threat to the second hand theory is the weakness of the first hand theory.

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Man don’t get me started Id rip your head off and shit down your smokeless windpipe

  3. garyk30 says:

    Less than 5% of smokers go through life without any associated health problems.


    Just what percentage of neversmokers go thru life without those ‘associated health problems’?

    What are those ‘associated health problems’?

    • Smoking Lamp says:

      Well, all diseases attributed to smoking occur in non-smokers too. Sounds like divine has bought the antismoker propaganda. In some diseases (many cancers and COPD for example) the incidence of disease is rising (especially among non-smokers) while smoking rates fall. In fact the overall incidence of cancer started to drop before smoking bans were implemented and now while the rates are down the proportion of non-smokers getting cancer (also COPD) are increasing. The antismoker propaganda is falling apart, but the long-term impact of repetitive propaganda obscures the actual situation.

      • harleyrider1978 says:

        Adenoviruses Cause COPD

        Meanwhile, the central investigator in many studies of adenoviruses and COPD, James C. Hogg, MD, of St. Paul’s Hospital and professor of pathology at the … – Cached – SimilarAcute and latent adenovirus in COPD – Elsevierby TE McManus – 2007 – Cited by 2 – Related articles
        Nucleic acid extraction was performed on sputum specimens from patients with COPD. Copy numbers for GAPDH, and adenovirus 5 E1A DNA and mRNA were determined …* Latent Adenovirus Infection in COPDby S Hayashi – 2002 – Cited by 24 – Related articles
        Key words: adenovirus; COPD; latent infection; viral DNA. Abbreviations: …. from patients with COPD carries more group C adenoviral …

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Look up when the term COPD was first coined,you will find it was made up when the Nazi anti tobacco folks started running strong with their BS in 1989 – 1992. That’s when we actually see the term COPD even showing up. Its a generic term invented to use in anti-tobacco propaganda. In short its defined as a generic term describing any lung function problem of UNKNOWN CAUSE………..

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Human lungs ‘brush’ themselves clean of contaminants
          Friday, September 07, 2012 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

          Human lungs contain a tiny network of constantly moving “brushes” that flush contaminants out of the respiratory system, according to research conducted by scientists from the University of North Carolina and published in the journal Science.

          Scientists have known for a long time that the respiratory system protects itself by means of a coating of mucus, which is sticky enough to trap pollutants and keep them from reaching the body’s cells. When needed, the body can expel this mucus through a runny nose or a cough.

          “The air we breathe isn’t exactly clean, and we take in many dangerous elements with every breath,” said lead researcher Michael Rubinstein.

          “We need a mechanism to remove all the junk we breathe in, and the way it’s done is with a very sticky gel, called mucus, that catches these particles and removes them with the help of tiny cilia. The cilia are constantly beating, even while we sleep.

          “In a coordinated fashion, they push mucus, containing foreign objects, out of the lungs, and we either swallow it or spit it out. These cilia even beat for a few hours after we die. If they stopped, we’d be flooded with mucus that provides a fertile breeding ground for bacteria.”

          But until now, researchers have never understood why the mucus does not stick to or even infiltrate the respiratory cells themselves. The foremost theory, known as the “gel-on-liquid model,” posited that an as-yet-undiscovered watery “periciliary” layer kept mucus and cilia separate. The problem with this theory was always that to the best of scientific knowledge, mucus should eventually dissolve into such a watery layer, not remain separate.

          “We can’t have a watery layer separating sticky mucus from our cells because there is an osmotic pressure in the mucus that causes it to expand in water,” Rubinstein says. “So what is really keeping the mucus from sticking to our cells?”

          To get to the bottom of the mystery, the researchers used modern imaging techniques to examine the interior of the lungs. They found a dense network of brush-like structures that sit atop the cilia. These brushes are composed of protective molecules that keep both mucus and contaminants from getting to the respiratory cells beneath. These molecules also function as a second line of defense against viruses or bacteria that manage to penetrate the mucus.

          Stephen Spiro of the British Lung Foundation said the findings could help significantly improve scientific understanding of lung function.

          “Mucus has a complex biological make-up and forms a vital part of the lungs’ defense mechanism,” he said.

          “Research such as this helps our understanding [of] how this system works, and of the complex mechanisms deep within our lungs which protect us from the atmosphere we breathe in.”

          Rubinstein and his fellow researchers noted that their findings may also explain previously mysterious lung disorders from asthma to cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These diseases may stem from a collapse of the protective brushes.

          “We found that there is a specific condition, below which the brush is healthy and cells are happy,” Rubinstein said. “But above this ideal condition, in diseases like CF or COPD, the brush becomes compressed and actually prevents the normal cilia beating and healthy flow of mucus.”

          In such conditions, the mucus would then stick directly to the lung’s cells.

          “The collapse of this brush is what can lead to immobile mucus and result in infection, inflammation and eventually the destruction of lung tissue and the loss of lung function,” Rubinstein said. “But our new model should guide researchers to develop novel therapies to treat lung diseases and provide them with biomarkers to track the effectiveness of those therapies.”

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Lets just say that back in the 1950s the rabid anti-smoking goons started renaming OLD AGE DISEASES as so called smoking related………then after that they started calling everything lifestyle caused and the war on everyone began by the leftists and others in the basically refounded eugenics movement we have today in the reborn again progressive movement.

  4. Smoking Lamp says:

    Could this be the start of the backlash to draconian smoking bans, rampant antismoking propaganda, and the persecution of smokers?

    The developments in France are refreshing.

    In addition, there is a bit of pushback in Victoria, Australia too–at least regarding college campus bans: “Monash University’s student association claims campus smoking ban is putting students at risk” at

  5. “The health ministry’s rejection letter late last year included a reminder that … ‘the state of emergency changes nothing’ regarding anti-smoking laws.”

    Well, that makes sense. It’s simply a matter of priority. After all, secondhand body parts falling from the sky rarely cause serious injuries or deaths, while secondhand smoke creates piles of millions of corpses that the children have to step over. True, both create needless dry-cleaning bills, but blood and gore is easily removed by a nice, refreshing cold water soak, while secondhand smoke requires repeat applications of toxic chemicals and years of purifications in vats.

    Here in America we are horribly disturbed when the media disrupts the scenes of ordinary day-to-day terrorism on our TVs with interruptions showing the horrors of teenage smoking where our children might unwittingly tune in and be scarred for life. The French are clearly in violation of the UN’s USERS (Universal Smokers Elimination Regime System) Treaty and should be kicked out of the UN forthwith and withforth and without any heretofore thereupons.

    – MJM

  6. garyk30 says:

    400,000 deaths to smokers from smoking; that is, from the diseases said to be ’caused’ by smoking.

    Let us do a little math.

    Doll’s ‘Doc Study’ showed that 84% of the never-smoker docs deaths were from the diseases ’caused’ by smoking.

    That is cancers, respiratory diseases, and heart attacks/strokes.

    75% of all deaths occurr over the age of 65.

    There are about 22 million never-smokers over the age of 65 and most will be dead by the age of 100.

    If we take all of the neversmokers over the age of 65 and follow them for 35 years, we get 628,571 deaths per year, on average.

    84% of 628,571 is about 528,000 never-smoker deaths per year due to the diseases said to be ’caused’ by smoking.

    528,000 is rather larger than the 400,000.

    • garyk30 says:

      There are about 4.4 million smokers over the age of 65.

      Doll’s study showed that 85% of the current smokers’ deaths were from the diseases said to be ’caused’ by smoking.

      4.4 million divided by the 35 years from 65 to 100 gives us about 125,714 smokers’ deaths per year.

      85% of 125,714 equals 106,857 smokers’ deaths per year due to the diseases said to be ’caused’ by smoking.

      Since 75% of deaths occurr over the age of 65, that gives us about 142,476 total smokers’ deaths per year from smoking.

      142,476 is quite a bit smaller than 400,000 and a great deal smaller than 528,000!

  7. waltc says:

    The Health Dept’s answer is the French equivalent of Quit or Die. And what more potent Message could be sent than the curbside massacre of smoking teens? (See what happens if you smoke, Jacqueline? ) And of course they!ll be counted as “smoking-related deaths.”

    • “The Health Depts French equivalent of Quit Or Die!”

      We’ve got the same thing on our campuses. Here’s post of mine from a few years back:

      There is no rational scientific basis for outdoor smoking bans on college campuses. The motivation behind them is purely one of operant conditioning: the same as you apply to rats with electric shocks when you want them to drink out of the blue round bowl rather than the square yellow bowl. The heavily funded antismoking organizations like “Smoke Free Campuses” believe that by making smoking as difficult and uncomfortable and dangerous as possible they will reduce the number of students who smoke.

      That’s why you see reactions like this one to University of Montana students who were concerned about their safety in heading out to campus borders to smoking ghettos: “[Chief of campus security] Taylor said he doesn’t think the Griz Personal Safety staff should be used to escort smokers. ‘The whole intent of the ban is to get people to stop smoking,’ ”

      Students are not rats, they shouldn’t be treated like rats, and they shouldn’t put up with being treated like rats. From a truly neutral health-conscious standpoint regarding nonsmokers, there is no sound reason in the world why students shouldn’t be given safe, warm, comfortable, and externally ventilated indoor spaces to gather with their friends to relax, study, and smoke if they wish.

      Of course that wouldn’t sit too well with the rat-keepers, would it?

      – MJM

  8. Igrowmyown says:

    Of course you’re right Frank,it’s not about the danger of conversion to radical Islam but about the danger of being mown down by somebody who has been converted to radical Islam,and I believe that this rejection of state law will have begun with the students themselves as anybody who smokes will know that if you are outside any premises when you could be inside it is probably because you smoke. French students who smoke tobacco will be savvy enough to know this and are demanding that they be excused involuntary target practice.

  9. Rose says:

    It is easy to credit antismoking legislation with malice aforethought and I did myself for a long while, but the longer it goes on the more it seems that they are just incapable of seeing the possible consequences of their actions.
    In their enthusiasm for setting up smokers for public humiliation they have lined up children and everyone else as sitting ducks.

    French students who smoke tobacco will be savvy enough to know this and are demanding that they be excused involuntary target practice

    Quite. Smokers have the ability to see round corners which sadly, it becomes more and more obvious that non smokers do not.

  10. Rose says:

    By the way

    Can you imagine living your life like this?

    “Do as I do, think about cancer before you have a glass of wine, says chief medical officer

    “Dame Sally Davies urges the public to follow her example, and think about the risks of cancer before deciding whether a glass of wine is worth it ”

    “Britain’s most senior doctor has urged women to “do as I do” and think about the risks of breast cancer before deciding whether to have a glass of wine.”

    “Giving evidence to a Commons select committee on Tuesday, she said that the public should contemplate the risks of cancer before taking a sip.”

    The lady should beware of self-fulfilling prophecies.

    • nisakiman says:

      Yes indeed, Rose. It wouldn’t surprise me if those people who worry most about getting cancer are the ones most likely to succumb.

  11. Roobeedoo2 says:

    ‘The health ministry’s rejection letter late last year included a reminder that France is currently trying to cut the number of smokers by 10 percent by 2019, and said that ‘the state of emergency changes nothing’ regarding anti-smoking laws.’

    And if that 10% is achieved by anti-smoking terrorist bullets..? The end justifies the means to psychopaths.

  12. Igrowmyown says:

    “Can you imagine living your life like this”, No Rose I cannot.

  13. John Watson says:

    It gives me no pleasure to know one day ISIS or some other group of religious/political terrorists will one day return to Paris, or go to Rome, Berlin or London, or even New York or Boston, then with malice aforethought and with no regrets gun down or blow up the very children ASH and their cohorts pretend to defend. Government has a legal and moral duty to protect the children, making them targets for terrorists hardly constitutes such protection but rather constitutes reckless endangerment. If God forbid it comes to pass and children die unnecessary and tragic deaths the SNPDEN union will tell the French health Ministry the French equivalent of we told you so, before doing as the French farmers love to do, block every road, port, train station and airport, bringing them to a halt in protest at laws that murder their children.

  14. prog says:

    ‘French high schools allow students to smoke on the premises so extremists can’t try and convert them when they go outside for a cigarette’

    The Daily Mash

  15. Rose says:

    It’s disappointing that the commenters have been so misled by the Daily Mail headline that they have missed the glaringly obvious danger, preferring to bleat on about smoking in the usual way.

    Let me make it simpler for them.

    “A leading union of school administrators first made the request five days after the November 13 attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead and 350 wounded.”

    “In its letter dated November 18, the SNPDEN union said: ‘During each recess, in more than 2,000 schools in France, dozens of youth or even hundreds at the largest establishments form static and compact groups in a predictable way for 15 to 20 minutes.”

    Following a refusal by the health ministry, the SNPDEN union last week renewed its call for a loosening of the school smoking ban as long as France remains under a state of emergency.”

    “attacks in Paris”
    “form static and compact groups in a predictable way for 15 to 20 minutes.”
    “state of emergency”

    It’s about not making children line up outside the school gates because of the possibility of a drive by shooting by extremists.

    Thank goodness that at least the union of school administrators are thinking of the children even if the Health Ministry is not.

  16. junican says:

    I find it odd that the schools are asking the Health Minister. Why the Health Minister? Surely the schools should be addressing their requests to some other Minister. The Education Minister perhaps? The Police Minister? The Defence Minister? What has exposure to attacks with bullets and bombs got to do with the ‘Health’ Minister?

  17. harleyrider1978 says:

    Smokers in Italy are now facing fines of up to 500 euros ($600) if they light up in a car with a child or pregnant woman _ or if they toss a cigarette butt on the street _ after new health and environmental laws went into effect Tuesday

    Health Parasites just like Hitler and Mussolini

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      ROME (AP) — Smokers in Italy are now facing fines of up to 500 euros ($600) if they light up in a car with a child or pregnant woman — or if they toss a cigarette butt on the street — after new health and environmental laws went into effect Tuesday.

      The smoking prohibitions extend bans on smoking in offices, restaurants, cinemas and other public places to the more private sphere of a car. They also specifically target pediatric hospitals and other medical facilities catering to pregnant women and newborns in a bid to cut the estimated 70,000-83,000 deaths a year the government attributes to tobacco smoke.

      The measures are contained in a new law conforming to EU regulations aimed at dissuading young people from taking up the habit. They impose hefty fines on shopkeepers who sell to minors and cigarette producers who market to them, and include new requirements for warnings on cigarette packages.

      The separate law against tossing cigarette butts is part of an anti-littler regulation that also punishes spitting out gum or tossing shopping receipts on the street.

      Piergiorgio Benvenuti, president of EcoItalia Solidale, said about 11 million cigarettes are smoked every day in Rome, half of them squished on the street, where they often get trapped between cobblestones.

      “This has an enormous environmental impact,” he said, noting that it takes between five to 12 years for a cigarette to break down. “Aside from how it looks is how much it costs Rome to clean this up.”

      Roberta Pacifici, director of the smoking, drug and alcohol department of the Superior Institute of Health, said she expected the new measures would lead to a new drop in smoking rates across Italy, as occurred when the first bans were introduced.

      The smoking bans in cars will “have a great educational value” for young people, she said.

      Stefan Mihailovic, a 21-year-old student at Rome’s John Cabot University, praised the initiative though he acknowledged the fines will hurt.

      “I think it can only be good because it can only clean up the city, which is quite dirty. It can only be good

  18. harleyrider1978 says:

    Prisoners in Wales win battle to be allowed to smoke in their cells after ban is rejected

    Prisoners in Wales have won a battle to be allowed to smoke in cells after the Welsh government rejected a controversial ban. A complete ban on smoking in…

  19. Rose says:

    As I thought, the Daily Mail’s story is nonsense.

    The real news from France – in English

    Terror fears could see French schools end smoking ban
    3 Feb 2016

    “Speaking on behalf of the union, Richard called for permission to allow school students in France to smoke in designated areas inside schools or the grounds, something that has been banned since 1991.

    “We are always going to fight against smoking, but when it comes to the difference between a Kalashnikov and a cigarette, the risk just isn’t the same,” Richard told Le Figaro newspaper.

    He explained that after the November terror attacks in Paris, teaching unions were told that they should be wary about allowing students to gather in crowds, and should pay particular attention to the exteriors of the building.

    With this in mind, Richard had written to the French prime minister to request a lift on the smoking ban, even if only temporarily.

    “If there was a shooting at a school, and masses of people were killed just because they were smoking out the front, we would be the first to blame – and all because we were just abiding by the laws,” Richard said.”

  20. harleyrider1978 says:

  21. harleyrider1978 says:

  22. harleyrider1978 says:

    In alabama you can marry your sister but when you get back to new york they wont let you divorce her.
    Unless she Smokes

  23. beobrigitte says:

    H/T igrowmyown for this story in the Daily Mail:
    And the dumbest anti-smokers comment their usual rubbish. What about this?:

    Soooooo, it’s ok for young girls to be molested/raped for this game “Taharrush Gamea” and all the anti-smokers come up with is that “smoking-related-death” crap?

    And what reason is given for allowing the students to smoke?
    French high schools allow students to smoke on the premises so extremists can’t try and convert them when they go outside for a cigarette…….
    The press proves the point many people made before: THE PRESS IS THE BIGGEST LIAR!

    I can only guess that the anti-smokers in Germany are quietly ******** their pants – NOBODY wants them!!!

    (Apologies – I am angry)

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