Tit For Tat

The Ukrainian crisis continues to build:

…Europe appears to be absolutely shocked and is apoplectic that after several rounds of sanction escalations, Russia finally unleashed its own round of sanctions and yesterday announced a 1 year ban on all European food imports, something which will further push Europe into a triple-dip recession…

And Mario Draghi agrees:

Update: And here it is – Draghi just said Russian sanctions could add to the “downside risk.” Translation: all Putin’s fault

With inflation tumbling, credit creation imploding, core European nations’ economies floundering and the periphery re-collapsing, ECB’s Draghi decided rates were negative enough

And sabres are being rattled:

NATO’s Chief Anders Rasmussen is unleashing his latest set of ‘back down or else’ comments this morning towards Russia:


And weapons moved:

It Begins: Canada To Send Military Equipment To Ukraine


Pentagon Confirms Russia Violated US Airspace 16 Times In Last 10 Days, “Not Just Training Missions”

From the Telegraph:

Vladimir Putin is digging in for a prolonged siege and a possibly permanent reversal of trade ties with the West. There can be no other way of interpreting the decision to ban many food imports from countries that have imposed sanctions, and the parallel threat to stop car imports and flights by Western airlines over Russian airspace.

Collectively, these moves would represent the most profound breakdown in global trade since the oil embargoes of the 1970s.

Add to that the disintegration of Iraq, and a savage war between Israel and Hamas, and Egypt threatening military intervention in Libya, and we have an extremely volatile set of circumstances, developing extremely rapidly.

It’s looking rather bigger than just a Ukrainian crisis.

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51 Responses to Tit For Tat

  1. jaxthefirst says:

    Just out of interest, does anyone know how much the UK’s exports to Russia amount to? I know that Germany and France have massive ties with Russia which, presumably, are all now down the pan for the next 12 months, but how much trade does the UK do with them?

    One more very good reason to withdraw from the EU, and fast.

  2. mikef317 says:

    Off topic. More on the New York City man choked to death for selling untaxed cigarettes.


    If the above doesn’t work, try


    and click on the “came from the highest levels of the NYPD” link for the full story. (I couldn’t get a direct link for my comment.)

  3. carol2000 says:

    An off-topic re-post to make sure everyone sees it: Has everybody commented on the FDA regulation of tobacco? It’s not just for U.S. citizens. You can register as an “International Consumer,” too. The deadline is Aug 8 2014, at 11:59 PM ET. The link to comment is on the right side of this page.


    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Damn it they didn’t post my comment under Repaces BS!

      Schumans expert witness

      Schuman’s Expert Witnesses Testify in Secondhand Smoke Trial

      The plaintiff’s expert witnesses spoke up on day three of David Schuman’s case against his housing cooperative, Greenbelt Homes, Inc. (GHI), for its failure to prohibit the nuisance created by his townhome neighbors, the Popovics’, secondhand smoke.

      Courtroom and Plaintiff’s Townhome Register Similar Carcinogen Levels

      But, an incident from Repace’s testimony Thursday came back into play Friday during cross examination. Goecke pointed out that on Thursday, while demonstrating the carcinogen monitor, Repace had measured the concentration of carcinogens in the court room — which is in a smoke-free building — and the amount he recorded there was similar to what Repace had reported recording in Schuman’s townhome in July of 2011.


  4. harleyrider1978 says:

    Hell let em start killing each other off let owebama lead the troops on the first charge………..ROFLMAO…………..

  5. Tom says:

    Another off subject, maybe it’s old news but to me it is new news since I hadn’t high speed until recently and thus hadn’t much experience with online videos, but on YouTube, there is a whole channel called RealCigReview – and it’s a guy who smokes various brands of cigs on camera and then reviews them. He also has some other cig and tobacco related information videos, besides just reviews.

    Here is his link if anyone doesn’t already know about it:


  6. Gareth says:

    uk exports $8.1e9 to Russia and imports $14.7e9 from Russia, about 2% of our trade.

  7. nisakiman says:

    This is all depressingly predictable. And all because the the meddling megalomaniacs in Brussels couldn’t keep their sticky fingers out of the Ukrainian pie.

    Had they not encouraged (and financed) the overthrow of the pro-Russian government in Kiev, there wouldn’t have been the schism between east and west Ukraine. And it was obvious, as sure as night follows day, that Putin would support the pro-Russian rebels. Now, in the wake of the shooting down of MH17 (which I’m sure was a stupid mistake made by some gung-ho soldier / rebel who had no idea it was a civil airliner) the west is ascribing full responsibility to Putin, as the supplier of the missile system. It hasn’t occurred to them that if they’d kept their noses out of Putin’s back yard in the first place, none of this would have happened.

    Or perhaps they knew exactly what they were doing. Maybe they’re playing a longer game. Nothing like a good war to get everyone singing from the same song sheet, after all. And antagonising Putin really is poking an angry bear with a sharp stick. Appeasement is not a word in his vocabulary. A strong reaction was guaranteed.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      One of the primary Nazis from the WHO in the anti-tobacco movement was killed on that downs jet!

      • carol2000 says:


        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Hang on Carol I saw it yesterday have to look it up

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          World Health Organization press secretary died in jet crash in Ukraine

          Brussels – Press Secretary of the World Health Organization (WHO) Glenn Thomas is among the victims of the plane crash happened on the east of Ukraine on July 17, the WHO said on Twitter


        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Anti-tobacco ruling in Australia welcomed by UN health …


          Aug 15, 2012 · Anti-tobacco ruling in Australia welcomed by UN health agency … WHO spokesman Glenn Thomas says plain packaging is an important tobacco control …

          Glenn Thomas, a leading expert on AIDS and, more …


          Glenn Thomas, a leading expert on AIDS and, more importantly, #Ebola virus, was on board the B777 Malaysia Airlines #MH17 downed in Ukraine. by ItalianPolitics

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          WHO | WHO: stop tobacco industry interference

          http://www.who.int › Media centre › News releases

          More countries are moving to fully meet their obligations under the 2003 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control … The tobacco industry … Glenn Thomas …

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas in the Ukraine

          Some dots for you to connect:

          *George Soros’s foundation has funded personnel working in the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which is about to be closed, apparently amid an investigation.

          * WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas was highly likely involved in fielding media and other inquries about how WHO view and what it planned to do about the controversial Kenema lab.

          Was Glenn Thomas aware of hard evidence showing that the lab was faking positive diagnoses for Ebola — Tulane University? — in order to justify forcing people to undergo treatment which would give them Ebola? Did he refuse to go along with the cover up?

          *The mainstream media is silent about the Kenema bioweapons lab closure as well as about the order to Tulane University to stop Ebola testing. So, what other channels are there left for this information to enter the public domain or be spread through social media networks if WHO does not release the information or take action?

          *George Soros has links to Sierra Leone President Ernest Koroma


        • harleyrider1978 says:

          This seems to be about the only lengthy story on the WHO PR director and the plane crash along with the Ebola outbreak. maybe total BS but does bring to lite a bunch of things.

          Connecting these dots, does it seem likely to you that billionaire Soros had

          a) a motive for killing WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas to stop the news spreading through official channels that the Ebola outbreak was orchestrated in a Soros-funded lab;

          b) a motive for silencing him very soon;

          c) the means of silencing him by staging a fake air crash in the Ukraine?

          d) the support of the Bilderberg, global elite?

          Interesting is the complete silence of the mainstream media on the closure of the Kenema lab posted on the Sierra Leone Ministery of Health facebook site.

          If the media really were a free press, interested in investigating scandals in the public interest and in reporting facts as the so called “fourth estate”, this story about the Kenema lab closure would be front page news around the globe just as the story of Baxter contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu in its biosecurity level 3 lab and sending it to four countries in 2009 should have been front page news.

          It is the total media blackout and silence which red flags the key, global stories. The key story of 21st century is that we have entered an era of biological warfare. The main warfare is not conducted between nations but between the elite and the people of the globe using also vaccines, weaponized viruses and mass deception.

  8. harleyrider1978 says:


  9. Rose says:

    Tobacco turned into jet fuel

    “A newly developed type of energy-rich tobacco plant could be turned into sustainable jet fuel.”

    “US aviation firm Boeing announced this week it is working on a project with South African Airways and Dutch green jet fuel firm SkyNRG to create the new biofuel.
    A hybrid plant known as Solaris is already being test-grown as crop by farmers in South Africa.
    At first, oil from the plant’s seeds will be converted into jet fuel. In future Boeing expects emerging technologies to get biofuel from the rest of the plant.

    “Ian Cruickshank, South African Airways Group Environmental Affairs Specialist added: “By using hybrid tobacco, we can leverage knowledge of tobacco growers in South Africa to grow a marketable biofuel crop without encouraging smoking.”

    Tobacco turned into jet fuel

    “The tobacco strain, called Solaris, being used for the fuel is produced by SkyNRG, a sustainable fuel company. It is heavy on seeds, which contain the plant oil that’s made into the fuel, and light on leaves. Also, it contains virtually no nicotine.”

    Tobacco seed oil as an alternative diesel fuel: physical and chemical properties
    “Successive tobacco seed oil extraction indicated that almost 38% of the seed was oil. The major constituents observed by GC analysis were linoleic acid (18:2), oleic acid (18:1) and palmitic acid”

    “Linoleic acid is a member of the group of essential fatty acids called omega-6 fatty acids which are essential dietary requirements for all mammals”
    http: //www.news-medical.net/health/Linoleic-Acid-What-is-Linoleic-Acid.aspx

    Oleic acid – olive oil, palmitic oil – butter.

    Sounds delicious.

    • nisakiman says:

      “By using hybrid tobacco, we can leverage knowledge of tobacco growers in South Africa to grow a marketable biofuel crop without encouraging smoking.”

      What the fuck has ‘encouraging smoking’ got to do with growing hybrid plants for biofuel? Honestly, I despair. It doesn’t seem to matter how remote the connection is, they always have to shoehorn in a dig about smoking. It’s become the obsession to trump all obsessions. It’s become compulsive, a reflex reaction.

      • Rose says:

        In this case I think it’s mandatory.

        South African Airways seems to be government owned.

        South Africa signed the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) on 16 June 2003 and ratified it in 2005.

        I think “Ian Cruickshank, South African Airways Group Environmental Affairs Specialist” has to say that.


        “South African Airways bears all the scars of a government-owned legacy carrier in terminal decline, accelerated by continued political fumbling and interference which in Sep-2012 resulted in the mass board walkout and the resignation of three top executives, including its CEO.”

        Yet, unless its masters in Pretoria miraculously gain, and apply, a clearer vision for SAA, the future promises only the continuing decline of a once proud airline.”

        South African Airways turns to state for survival – again
        2 February, 2014

        “Hapless and helpless, South Africa’s struggling national carrier awaits news on a state cash injection vital to stay in the skies, but which shows up its inability to make money.
        http: //www.timeslive.co.za/local/2014/02/02/south-african-airways-turns-to-state-for-survival—again

        Cheap fuel would be a help even if it is made from tobacco.

        If this is the same Boeing, using tobacco based fuel could take some explaining.

        Boeing Case Study

        “Like many employers, The Boeing Company recognized that employees’ tobacco usage was literally sending a portion of its profits up in smoke. The average tobacco user costs his employer more than $6,000 per year in lost productivity, time lost from work due to smoking breaks and additional sick days, and excess medical expenditures. With 150,000 employees, about 20 percent of whom use tobacco, tobacco’s impact on Boeing was more than $180 million a year!”

        “Boeing adopted a “no barriers” approach that would eliminate the most common reasons employees just don’t get around to signing up.

        For starters, Boeing covers the entire cost of the Free & Clear® Tobacco Treatment Program for its employees as well as their spouses and dependents. (Getting all the tobacco users in a household to quit together increases the chances they’ll stay quit.)

        Flying their planes on tobacco would seem a trifle hypocritical.

      • Rose says:


        Boeing suit settlement stirs jetliner air safety debate

        “SEATTLE — A former flight attendant is believed to be the first person in the U.S. to settle a lawsuit against the Boeing Co. over what she claims is faulty aircraft design that allowed toxic fumes to reach the cabin, triggering tremors, memory loss and severe headaches.

        The amount and other details of the settlement Wednesday between former American Airlines worker Terry Williams, a 42-year-old mother of two, and Boeing were not made public as a condition of the agreement.

        But 250,000 pages of company documents turned over to the plaintiff’s legal team by Boeing seem certain to fuel the long-running battle over the safety of cabin air in commercial jetliners.”

        “Boeing and the airline industry have long maintained that cabin air — compressed air pumped, or “bled,” from the plane’s engine — is safe, saying such breaches are extremely rare and that short-term exposure to the tiny amounts of toxic substances in the cabin air poses no health risk.”

        “But stricken airline crews and their advocates say faulty “bleed-air” systems have been causing health problems dating back to the takeoff of jet travel in the 1950s.”

        “As the case developed, Boeing turned over 250,000 pages of documents dating to 1954 and 1955 that showed the company was aware of cabin air contamination and had sought detection and filtration systems to combat the problem.

        Others documented concern among executives that there could be health hazards related to exposure to toxic fumes when oil leaks into bleed-air systems.

        “It’s bizarre that we’re talking about the 1950s, but that’s where our air data comes from with respect to the MD-80,” Brodkowitz said.

        “To this day, the only thing filtering this toxic soup out of the cabin are the lungs of the passengers and crew.”


        Flying the smoky skies: secondhand smoke exposure of flight attendants – 2004
        J Repace

        ” Both government and airline sponsored studies concluded that SHS created an air pollution problem in aircraft cabins, while tobacco industry sponsored studies yielding similar data concluded that ventilation controlled SHS, and that SHS pollution levels were low.”

        “Conclusions: In-flight air quality measurements in ~250 aircraft, generalised by models, indicate that when smoking was permitted aloft, 95% of the harmful respirable suspended particle (RSP) air pollution in the smoking sections and 85% of that in the non-smoking sections of aircraft cabins was caused by SHS”

        • woohoo02 says:

          I remember with delight, the day I boarded the Aeroflot flight from London to Moscow, I think in 1999, and found out about 10 minutes into the flight that there was a smoking section on the plane.Having endured before then, up to 13 hours without a fag with Quantas it was a pleasant surprise, even though, the plane did have 3 attempts to land, and all the passengers cheered that they were still breathing at their destination!!

  10. harleyrider1978 says:

    The Smoking Gun Turns On Marriage

    What the last great culture war has to tell us about the new one.


    My comment below

    Todays Anti-smoking movement should be labeled a HATE CRIME against HUMANITY itself. The lies and propaganda to criminal laws to evictions to non-hiring policies to smokers forced outside who have died as a result of these anti-smoking laws.

    Here are victims of this government endorsed hate campaign murdered and frozen to death,one even shot in the back of the head over smoking by a vigilante anti-smoker himself in Nashville Tn my hometown!

    The Smokers’ Graveyard

    In Memory of all the smokers driven to their deaths by smoking bans


    Anti-smoking itself is a maddening disease that creates cultural hate among the citizenry for something that was never a crime to begin with smoking a cigarette. Do we call it P.C. gone mad! Do we label it Cultural rape and TORTURE.

    How do we right the wrong done to likely 60 million Americans and the Rest of the worlds smokers numbering over a Billion who still indulge the Tobacco Plant!

    Do we allow Fatawas religious orders against smoking to be the rule in western lands where smoekrs are beaten,tortured,hands cut off and ears as ISIS and Al quieda have done.

    Where does this P.C. war on smokers end…………In death camps like the jews of Nazi Germany labeled with a star of david as a SMOKER!

    How about all the businesses destroyed and the homes lost due to smoking bans driving the customer base away and at home or into a smokeasy. How about the loss of revenues the hateful government is getting now at the hands of bootleggers and those in the poorest of places must by the smokes from.

    To all this and more the haters of smokers are the maniacs of todays society and should be quickly renounced and taken to hand before their EUGENICS DRIVEN MADNESS creates even more victims of criminal laws……….

    Do you use sugar,drink alcohol, drink a soda pop………….your guilty of a POLITICALLY CORRECT SIN and the Inquistioners will soon have a law to get even you!

    House Committee: Public Health and Human Services*, Judiciary B

    Principal Author: Mayhall
    Additional Authors: Read, Shows


  11. nisakiman says:

    On the subject of Russia:

    The number of smokers in Russia has dropped 6 percent since the country adopted a stringent package of anti-tobacco legislation last year, a new poll has revealed.

    A state-owned pollster, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, revealed on Wednesday that the percentage of smokers in the country had tumbled from 41 percent to 35 percent in the past year, suggesting that the government’s recent anti-smoking campaign is beginning to have an impact.


    Given that the pollster is state owned, I’m inclined to view the poll results with a degree of scepticism!

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Nisakiman we all know its BULLSHIT………………Even CDC’s rates are all BS. Nobody can figure out what the actual numbers are and never will. 6 months ago I called the state of ky health dept and asked for a smoking rate per county. They said none existed and then guess what pops up on a smoking ban story up by Lexington the other day…………..Supposed rates of smoking by county! I shit you not.

      I know just by travelling the state and being in different parts of it early morning and late evening as people go to and from work the rates are much higher than CDC or anyone else may claim.

      The zealots in ky the last 2 weeks have gone nutz screaming bloody murder to get a ban anywhere. Their famed cross Kentucky anti-smoking drive netted no followers to FANCY FARM the states opening cookout for the political season each year.

      I renamed it the FUNNY FARM…………STR8 JACKETS are the dress code.

      Whats happening in the states is the Nazis aren’t watching whats happening at the national level,their still stuck in local and state modes.

      ASH finally caught wind of the 70% enjoyment factor yesterday and placed a link on their site to the NY TIMES story.

      They realize the threat that means to their movement……………..

      It spells a federal government surrender to the anti-smoking cause by all accounts.

      The economics factor is kicking in and it is the deciding factor……..government needs revenues and they need to grow the tobacco market to make that happen and grow business again! They need to end the blackmarket,I assume they are finally realizing this after last weeks senate hearing on the economics of the tobacco taxation being quazi prohibition and all its effects. Then the whitehouse realeased the 70% enjoyment factor of risk to health!

  12. harleyrider1978 says:

    Mom Gets Out of Car to Smoke, Is Arrested for Leaving Kids Unattended

    Lenore Skenazy|Aug. 7, 2014 2:32 pm


    First they came for the Smokers
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Smoker.

    Then they came for the Fatties
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Fatty.

    Then they came for the Unsafe
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not Unsafe.

    Then they came for the children
    of smokers and I did not speak out
    for I had no children.

    Then they came for the drinkers
    But I was not a drinker
    so I did not speak out.

    Then they came for us
    and there was no one left
    to speak out for us.

    So ended a free country!

  13. harleyrider1978 says:

    How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt


    • harleyrider1978 says:

      One source of the pain is a little-known feature found in many of the deals: high-risk debt that squeezed out a few extra dollars for the governments but promised massive balloon payments, some in the billions, down the road.

      These securities, called capital appreciation bonds, or CABs, have since turned toxic. They amount to only a $3 billion sliver of the approximately $36 billion in tobacco bonds outstanding, according to a review of bond documents and Thomson Reuters data. But the nine states, three territories, District of Columbia and several counties that issued them have promised a whopping $64 billion to pay them off.

      Under the deals, the debts must be repaid with settlement money and not tax dollars. Still, taxpayers lose out when tobacco income that could be spent on other government services is diverted to paying off CABs. And states can’t simply walk away from the debt 2014 bondholders have a right to further tobacco payments even after a default.

      “It’s going to cost taxpayers, either directly or indirectly,” said Craig Johnson, an associate professor of public finance at Indiana University in Bloomington who has studied tobacco bonds and CABs. “I don’t doubt that at all.”

      ProPublica’s analysis is the first to measure the magnitude of the high-risk debt involved in the tobacco deals and to calculate how much Wall Street’s dealmakers earned. It also shows how much of the tobacco money has been securitized 2014 that is, turned into payments that go to investors. As of this year, at least one out of every three dollars coming in under the settlement is pledged to investors, according to bond disclosures and payment data from the National Association of Attorneys General, which tracks the flow of funds.

      The sure winners so far: Investment bankers from Citigroup, the now defunct Bear Stearns and others who, along with consultants and lawyers, have pocketed more than $500 million in fees for their financial engineering, ProPublica estimates. They now stand to make more as the governments look to rework old deals and try to get even more tobacco cash upfront.

      In part, the troubles in the tobacco bonds arise from the same kind of miscalculation that led to the housing bubble.

      Just as mortgage lenders bet that home prices would keep rising, the tobacco deals relied on optimistic predictions of how much Americans would smoke. Forecasters rightly saw that cigarette sales would continue to decline, but now the yearly drop 2014 about 3 to 3.5 percent 2014 is nearly double what was cooked into the deals.

      Because the bonds sold to investors can stretch 40 years or more, the outdated estimates mean an ever-widening gap between what states expected to collect under the settlement and the payments they promised investors.

      The CABs promise gigantic payouts 2014 as high as 76 times what’s borrowed 2014 because nothing is due on them for decades. Meantime, interest compounds on both the principal and accumulating balance.

      Defaults by state and local governments are rare, but rating agencies have been warning that tobacco bonds in general could go under en masse. Moody’s said in May that up to 80 percent of the tobacco issues it tracks are likely to default.

      For CABs, defaults appear certain.

      They’re doomed,” said Jim Estes, a finance professor at the California State University, San Bernardino, who helped ProPublica analyze the bond documents. “It’s not a question of whether or not, it’s a question of when.”

      Wall Street firms are already pitching their services to help unwind deals they helped create.

      The first state to act was financially strapped New Jersey. In March, it rescued two CABs that were part of a larger 2007 deal. The CABs promised to repay $1.3 billion in 2041. To pay off that giant tab before it comes due, the state agreed to hand over $406 million of its remaining tobacco proceeds beginning in 2017, money that otherwise would have gone into state coffers.

      Barclays handled the transaction for New Jersey and earned $4.5 million. The state also got $92 million in upfront cash out of the deal to help Gov. Chris Christie and lawmakers plug a budget deficit. Still, rating agencies weren’t impressed: They downgraded the state anyway, making it costlier for New Jersey to borrow.

  14. harleyrider1978 says:

    The Greedy Nazis dug themselves a hole they can never get out of…………..They have no choise but to kill the anti-smoking movement and restore smoking back to its original form!

    They’re doomed,” said Jim Estes, a finance professor at the California State University, San Bernardino, who helped ProPublica analyze the bond documents. “It’s not a question of whether or not, it’s a question of when.”

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Psst………..the market for cigs didn’t disappear it went to the bootleggers. Hense the showing f lowered legal sales that are used to compute payments on the MSA.
      Big Tobacco made a smart deal ad I have no doubt LEGACY is fixing to fold as a group. They tried to steal MSA money in OHIO only to have the funds taken away as tey belonged to he state not to tobacco control.

  15. harleyrider1978 says:

    I think we can say its coming to an end. The states will have to increase tobacco sales to keep their money up coming in. The taxes will have to be reduced to get rid of the billions lost each year in revenues to the blackmarket. Tobacco controls MSA money will al be taken away to pay the pipers on wall street as they’ve got to have their money to pay their own debts with to investors.

    Tobacco Controls share of any local tobacco taxes will also be taken away and all their affiliates shut down to use that money to pay back also……………..

    Big Tobacco made a good deal after all………………

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      One simple part of the deal along with greed…………..tobacco sales are relative to the amount of payout and will be reduced accordingly.

  16. harleyrider1978 says:

    The UK Independence Party has won a local council by-election in the southern English town of Worthing, defeating the incumbent Liberal Democrats.

    The Worthing Herald reports that the election was called after Lib Dem councillor David Potter was expelled for not turning up to a single meeting in six months.

    Last night, the party finished a poor third in the Castle ward, with just 15.7 percent of the vote, behind the Conservatives, who won 31.5 percent and UKIP on 36.9.

    The victory gives UKIP their second councillor in Worthing after Susan Jellis won the seat of Durrington in May’s local elections. A former Liberal Democrat in mayor also defected to the party in December last year before standing down.

    The ward is in the Worthing West parliamentary constituency, currently held by Conservative Sir Peter Bottomley. UKIP have been performing strongly in coastal towns in recent elections, taking votes from both the Conservatives and Labour, with Thanet seen as a key target at the next general election.

    Electoral Calculus reports that UKIP could win 17.46 percent of the vote in Worthing at the next election.

    Following the announcement that London Mayor Boris Johnson will stand for parliament at next year’s general election, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said that he was “too scared” to stand in a seat where UKIP are strong.

    Writing in the Independent, Mr Farage said: “There’s no way Boris will choose to stand in a seat where Ukip is strong. We saw from his speech that he is trying to woo Ukip voters who the Tory party thinks must have all previously been true-blue Tories.

    “The fact is that as popular as he is, as funny and charismatic, Boris can’t afford to feel the impact of an unpopular coalition government or an ever-rising purple tide.”

    The full results of the by-election are:

    UKIP: 568 (36.86 percent)

    Con: 485 (31.47 percent)

    Lib Dem: 242 (15.7 percent)

    Lab: 197 (12.78 percent)

    Green: 49 (3.18 percent)

  17. roobeedoo2 says:

    Incoming … fuckwits threatening to scweam and scweam until they are sick at Telegraph blogs:


    • harleyrider1978 says:

      We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by Telegraph Blogs. Find out more.

      Ya I kinda devastated their Nazi friends one day a bit more than they liked………..

  18. garyk30 says:

    A different sort of conflict from a long time ago.

    (NOTE: Both men ran sub 4 minute miles in this race)

    Aug. 1954, and what happened when two men who had recently done something once though impossible — running a mile in under four minutes — met for a showdown in Canada.

    Few events in sport offer so ultimate a test of human courage and human will and human ability to dare and endure for the simple sake of struggle — classically run, it is a heart-stirring, throat-tightening spectacle.

    But the world of track has never seen anything quite to equal the “Mile of the Century” which England’s Dr. Roger Gilbert Bannister — the tall, pale-skinned explorer of human exhaustion who first crashed the four-minute barrier—won over Australia’s world-record holder, John Michael Landy.

    It will probably not see the like again for a long, long time.

    • garyk30 says:

      Just a bit more:

      On 21 June 1954, at an international meet at Turku, Finland, Landy became the second man, after Roger Bannister, to achieve a sub-4-minute mile, recording a world record time of 3:57.9, ratified by the IAAF as 3:58.0 owing to the rounding rules then in effect. That record held for more than three years.

      Worldwide, Landy is probably best known for his part in a mile race in the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, held at Vancouver, British Columbia.

      Landy ran his second sub-4 minute mile in the race, but lost to Roger Bannister, who had his best-ever time.

      This meeting of the world’s two fastest milers was called “The Miracle Mile”, the “Race of the Century” and the “Dream Race”; it was heard over the radio by 100 million people and seen on television by millions more.

      On the final turn of the last lap, as Landy looked over his left shoulder, Bannister passed him on the right.
      A larger-than-life bronze sculpture of the two men at this moment was created by Vancouver sculptor Jack Harman in 1967 from a photograph by Vancouver Sun photographer Charlie Warner and stood for many years at the entrance to Empire Stadium; after the stadium was demolished the sculpture was moved a short distance away to the Hastings and Renfrew entrance of the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) fairgrounds.
      Regarding this sculpture, Landy quipped that “While Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back, I am probably the only one ever turned into bronze for looking back.”

      In Australia, Landy is remembered for his performance in the 1500 metres final at the 1956 Australian National Championships prior to the Melbourne Olympic Games.

      In the race, Landy stopped and doubled back to check on fellow runner Ron Clarke after another runner clipped Clarke’s heel, causing him to fall early in the third lap of the race.

      Clarke, the then-junior 1500 metre world champion, who had been leading the race, got back to his feet and started running again; Landy followed.

      Incredibly, in the final two laps Landy made up a large deficit to win the race, something considered one of the greatest moments in Australian sporting history.

      Said the National Centre for History and Education in Australia, “It was a spontaneous gesture of sportsmanship and it has never been forgotten.”.

      Sculptor Mitch Mitchell created a bronze sculpture of the moment when Landy helps Clarke to his feet. It has recently been moved from the north west corner of Punt Road and Swan Street to Olympic Park. Melbourne.

  19. harleyrider1978 says:

    Question: Has Tobacco Control ever made any money for the government?

    Is health savings real dollars……………nope

    Is high taxes diverted to TC real money that gets spent on consumer goods? Nope

    Does high taxes on tobacco products make or lose money in revenues short term or long term? yes and then NOPE!

    Does reducing tax rates reduce blackmarkets and sustain tax revenues? YES

    Does reducing tax rates back to normal levels reduce enforcement costs to government? YEP

    Does repealing smoking bans increase hospitality trade? YEP

    Does tobacco drive the market and deliver jobs and revenues,new business liscences, etc etc? YEP

    So whats the answer to part of the governments economic problems…………….


  20. smokervoter says:

    Ever since I first discovered Frank’s blog (by way of Leg-iron) and every single other counter-authoritarian British website contained on Captain Ranty’s old Awkward Sods list, I’ve become a raging Anglophile. I absorb more UK/Euro content on any given day than I do stateside subject matter.

    As such I now almost instinctively spell ‘labor’ as ‘labour’. I know that pound sterling is about 1.6 to the dollar. The words ‘tosser’ and ‘wanker’ and ‘punter’ no longer send me scurrying over to my desktop dictionary app anymore. I doubt I’ll ever fully grasp the Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion, but I do know that 27 C constitutes a very nice day weatherwise.

    As I read through everything I do my level best to walk a mile in your shoes for a clearer perspective.

    It’s no wonder you’re very concerned with the war drums beating in the Ukraine. Kiev is the same distance from London as Lincoln, Nebraska is from Los Angeles. If I woke up to the news that there was internecine bloodshed stirring there [Lincoln] and that the world’s superpowers were lined up on the opposing sides, I would lose plenty of sleep over it.

    I’ve never even gazed upon the land east of the Rocky Mountains, the natural geographic/geological boundary between the American West and the much more historic Rest of the Country. Lincoln, Nebraska is located at the base of that eastern slope, where the terrain first levels out into the Midwest.

    My great-great grandfather helped settle that town. His name appears on the first territorial census ever conducted there. His grandson moved out here to California some 90 years ago. I seriously doubt that I’ll ever set foot there.

    I sincerely hope that cooler heads are able to avoid a WW3 over in your neck of the woods. I would think that the threat of mutually assured nuclear destruction and relatively fresh memories of the horrible devastation of WW2 will ultimately trump all else before that happens.

    I’ve come regard all of you as very dear friends of mine.

    • roobeedoo2 says:

      Don’t worry about us – we’ll send in our secret agent ;)

      • smokervoter says:

        Roobeedoo, unfortunately all I get is this when I try to view it: “The uploader has not made this video available in your country”.

        If only they knew how much of a raging Anglophile I am.

        I did see ‘James Bond escorts The Queen to the opening ceremony’ across the top.

        PS: For a second there I thought it was Helen Mirren – my absolute favorite British MILF.

        As an addendum:

        From my perch here Way Out West I have a tendency to cast a very wary eye at the growing tensions between China and Japan. Bejing is 6,257 miles away, Kiev is 6,326 miles away, but China is in the same bathtub (the Pacific Ocean) so to speak. And I’m downwind of them too.

        When I sit on the beach smoking a cigarette and watching the sun set over the ocean, it is China and Japan that I conjure up.

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