Sick Propaganda

H/T Walt for the following antismoking video.

I had to agree with Audrey Silk’s comment under the article:

Good. Let it play. The only villains that people will see are the anti-smokers who will be hung by their own rope.

The more people that see stuff like this, the worse the zealots who made it will look.


I had just one question after watching it. The expectant mother was clearly smoking a real cigarette. If smoking really is believed to be so dangerous for a developing foetus, why did they ever ask her to do something so dangerous?

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35 Responses to Sick Propaganda

  1. ASH PR Dept Head: “Hey! Take a look at that scumbucket Davis’s blog today! See where he says “why did they ever ask her to do something so dangerous?”

    ASH Security Head: “Yeah, boss, we caught that too. Looks bad.”

    ASH PR Dept Head: “Well, when are you going to DO something about him? Waddaya think we PAY you for????”

    ASH Security Head: “Look, we TRIED! We sent out a special suicide force and they spent HOURS sitting outside his house blowing deadly cigarette smoke in through the cracks around his windows, but the damn guy seems to be IMMORTAL! We lost seven good men and 12.5 good lungs in that operation!”

    ASH PR Dept Head: “We need to roll out the heavy artillery. Call out… THE CIGAR SQUAD!”

    ::fade to black::

    – MJM

  2. harleyrider1978 says:

    Its a FAKE Pregnant Belly to boot!

  3. junican says:

    But it is just propaganda – the dissemination of fear and disgust, in best NAZI style.
    Yes, bring it on, Tobacco Control Industry – the more the better. The more that they publish this junk, the more that people will realise that their ‘science’ is junk also.

  4. smokervoter says:

    I’ve been tied up for the past 3 days trying to find out how one of my best friends has fared over in the Philippines w/ the typhoon. He’s an asthmatic and an ex-antismoker who I got started smoking. He loves his 34 cents per pack filipino Camel Filters now.

    It doesn’t look good. One of the typhoon landfalls was 25 miles north of him (and his wife and 3 younguns) in Concepcion – 100% of the buildings wiped out there. However, he’s a naturally lucky guy, he’s lucky enough to be one of my best friends and to have dropped the antismoking BS and seen the light.

    Anyway, I’ve been meaning to comment on Harley’s description of encountering a hornet’s nest of antismokers over @ Alex Jones’ Infowars. One of my web routines is Drudge Report > Infowars. I listen to his radio show quite a bit also. As such I was listening live when the Austin Texas incident was unfolding. Alex wasn’t concerned about the smoking law, he was concerned about the entrapment angle.

    What a shame. Here’s one of the best anti-control freak guys there is, with a website that is attracting more folks all the time — and he’s a god damned antismoker.

    To quote Tom the other day “you are holding two opposites in your brain and are supporting the same as you are trying to defeat”. That’s what Alex Jones is caught up in and it’s very disappointing.

    A big part of the problem lies with his sponsors, which consist of a bunch of pyramid-scheming snake oilers who see toxic demons lurking around every corner and who just so happen to sell the cure. It’s not much of a leap from there to toxic, cancer-causing tobacco smoke, is it?

    What a cryin’ shame – he should be featuring this blog and its accompanying blogroll if he really wants to ‘wake up’ all the folks to freedom that he claims to want to. What a mixed up world this is sometimes.

    Like I said once before I could see him getting along just dandy with Stanton Glantz (a fellow paranoid healthist) while asking Nigel Farage (one of his alleged heroes) to refrain from lighting up a Rothmans’s during an in-studio interview.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      I was wondering how those garbage Nazis were able to not get kicked off the alex jones website thru all that debacle………..So Jones is anti-smoking too!

      • I listened to Jones every day for years before realising he is Alex ‘CIA’ Jones: a double agent. He smokes – probably heavily (hence his voice) yet rails against it. He warns callers not to swear, yet is on video effing and blinding away at people. I’m sad to say, he’s a fraud. He opened my eyes to a lot of truths, as these men do, but they do it in such a way as to include a certain amount of disinformation, keeping from the audience the REAL culprits (the Jesuits, apparently – while half the ‘Truth Movement’ thinks it “the Jews”) and his lunatic manner puts many people off even searching for the truth. Plus his fearmongering probably incapacitates, depresses and demoralises – but gets loads of advertising revenue from all the companies selling emergency food, shelter, water filters, etc. (sensible stuff to have anyway, I might add, but not by scaring the world for three hours or more daily).

    • Frank Davis says:

      Which Concepcion was it? There seem to be several. If it was this one, then I think the typhoon went straight over it, not 25 miles north.

      • smokervoter says:

        Thanks for that map link Frank. It is precisely this Concepcion. And to make matters worse I had kilometers mixed up with miles. It is 24.7 kilometers or about 16 miles by roadway from Concepcion to his home (which he built with carpentry skills passed on from yours truly). To be more exact geographically speaking, he lives 16 miles to the south of Concepcion.

        But wait, it gets worse. I now see that he’s only 12 miles away as the crow flies.

        His sister in California hasn’t even heard from him yet. Phone service (landline) is horrendous even in fair weather. Internet is by way of landline as well.

        I’m almost certain he’s had roof damage although I’ve managed to find some online photos of his area showing houses with roofs intact! During his planning stages I suggested he go with a hip roof and minimal overhangs so that wind can’t grab hold of his roof profile and I’ve seen photos – he followed my advice.

        Like I said, he’s a lucky fellow.

        • jaxthefirst says:

          Re: Alex Jones and his ilk:

          It’s one of the things which has always amazed me – that people who purport to be “anti-establishment” or “truth seekers” can hold the most extreme, contrarian views about pretty much everything and anything that “the authorities” do or say, and yet at the same time they obediently parrot the anti-smoking mantra and obey each and every anti-smoking dictat as submissively as any little drone on the planet. What’s particularly surprising is that they don’t see how anti-smoking measures are being used in many ways as a toe-in-the-water test for the very people whom they purport to mistrust.

          Here’s a little analogy for you. Some while ago, I went for root canal work on one of my teeth because I had an abscess which had been coming and going for several years. Sometimes it would become inflamed and quite painful, other times it would fade away and I would forget it was even there. As my dentist explained to me after an X-ray (when I visited her in one of the “sore” moments), the problem was that the nerve in one of my back teeth had died off and as a result there was a “dead” area in the tooth which formed a perfect breeding ground for bugs. All the time the resulting infection remained in my “no nerve” tooth, of course, I couldn’t feel a thing, but when it got too big to be contained within the tooth itself, the infection would drain out into the surrounding tissue, making the gum swollen and sore. At these times, my immune system would rush in and successfully “mop up” this extraneous infection (hence the “non-painful” periods) but, with no live nerve to “service,” and thus the tooth being, effectively (as far as my immune system was concerned) a “dead zone,” it would bypass that area and thus never quite clear up the main cause of the infection. She quickly resolved the problem for me by drilling out the tooth, removing the dead nerve, cleaning out the remaining cavity of infected material (boy, was that revolting – apologies to anyone who is having a late supper!), and filling it to prevent the bugs from getting back in. As she informed me at the time, the abscess might “flare” just a little following the surgery, but it would only now be in the “live” gum and thus my immune system would quite easily deal with it, and after that it shouldn’t come back again at all. And so it turned out. Hooray!

          And there are a lot of surprising similarities between my dental problems and the whole anti-choice movement! Anti-smoking is like the original infection, deep within the dead zone of a nerveless tooth, incubating and then occasionally pumping out various forms of nastiness towards smokers which, like any infection, inevitably then leaches out into other hitherto-unaffected areas – anti-alcohol, anti-obesity, anti-sugar, snitch-lines, intrusive CCTV, “anti-terrorism” measures, patronising Fit4Life and five-a-day campaigns, e-cig hysteria, heavy-handed policing, tinpot-dictator local authorities, finger-wagging medicos, and God-complex politicians etc show all the signs of previously “clean” areas (or at least relatively so) which have become contaminated and now display all the same qualities of anti-smoking – the equivalent of the visible, painful abscess which would appear from time to time in previously-healthy tissue.

          Similarly, the various protesters and supposed “movers and shakers,” like Alex Jones, are a bit like the immune system – they react to these secondary infections and, indeed, are sometimes successful in defeating them (e.g. minimum alcohol pricing and ID cards), but, just like an immune system, all the time they are simply bypassing the deepest, original and nastiest infection of them all, all that they will accomplish will be a temporary feeling of relief and the (incorrect) assumption that all is now well. Until they turn their attention – no matter how reluctantly – to the deeply-infected “dead zone” of the anti-smoking movement, and, literally, destroy it (to continue the analogy to its conclusion), “at its very roots,” they are destined to face a never-ending stream of secondary “infections” of all types in all sorts of areas, ad infinitum.

          PS: Hope your chum and his family are OK, SV. Keep us updated …

  5. Ripper says:

    The only thing that video does for me is to show me what sick minds the makers have.

  6. Also presumably that was professionaly filmed in a proper film studio. Or to be more precise an enclosed work space, thus endangering all of the film crew, sound engineers and everyone else invovled in making the recording. Not to mention anyone who subsequently uses the set due to third hand smoke

  7. smokingscot says:

    I believe there are no limits to their depravity.

    There seems to be some sort of perverse elitism within the various factions of Tobacco Control to push the envelope of tolerance, then try to push some more.

    One in NZ even opinionated that, to save children from the effects of SHS, their mothers should be sterilized! Of course that would only apply to Maori women, because 40% of them still insist on smoking. Presumably they’d get round to the non-compliant whites and other colour schemes in due course.

    That met a barrage of criticism, but only from those outwith TC. This chap summed it up rather well

    In many respect I see this as a re-run of the fiasco that was Easter Island (where one lot wanted to cut down trees to roll rather large stones, while the other lot wanted to use the trees to make boats so they could continue to fish and therefore feed those living on the island. The stone people won.)

    So much public money being squandered on frivolity and ego massages while real issues remain under-funded or ignored. I look at £800k going to ASH Wales and £500k going to ASH Scotland from our lottery and question whether our immediate needs might be better served by using that to get 200 plus youngsters into an apprenticeship – at a £6k subsidy.

    Such waste, such shame.

    • 500,000 to 800,000 pounds?


      Here in the US our MSA sends $500,000,000 to $900,000,000 to our “Tobacco Control” folks every year.

      Y’know what they say, “A million here, a million there. Pretty soon you’re talking about *real* money!”


  8. Ivan D says:

    CRUK have joined in too.

    • smokingscot says:

      Now the Dutch have pioneered a first rate avatar, we can expect lots more highly original bile.

      • beobrigitte says:

        The computer generation of a fake Filipina girl child has certainly caught a terrifying number of sex perverts in its 10-week sting operation. Sadly, the name “Sweetie” was chosen as this is what many real life Filipino children call themselves online in chat rooms.

        I must admit, when I started to read the article I thought: GOOD!!!!!
        But then I remembered one thing; A filipino colleague did tell me a while ago that the internet is a very temperamental thing there and most of the time it does not work. (btw. I hope the relatives of this colleague – as well as the relatives of the friendly filipino people working for the cleaning firm contracted to our place – live very far from Haiyan’s path)
        And yet, many very young filipino girls manage somehow to get connected and call themselves “sweetie”????

        I don’t think so.

        Sorry, this is another money begging exercise. And a very dangerous one. I don’t believe that anyone clicking on this link is completely innocent but stings like this will feed the already induced paranoia in Joe Average.

        I believe this “charity” when they travel to various asian countries and employ REAL underage girls who are actually doing this “job” for real for a “sting”. That, if the internet works.
        But then, if this “charity’s” members get their backsides off their comfy chairs they could even visit some tourist spots…. and discover that their respective governments do NOTHING to help these poor girls!!!

    • Frank Davis says:

      So this time, in order to make this ad, they got some kids to smoke.

      • Barry Homan says:

        Frank, a suggestion: what about getting out a crystal ball. We need a peek into the future. We know how things are in the now. We’ve studied the growth rate, and all the minutiae. It looks like things won’t be back to normal tomorrow, next week or even next year; but I’d like to hear your thoughts on what happens the day the bomb finally goes off. The shot heard round the world. I would like to read a full description, at least a few paragraphs. I’ve imagined it myself, in my head. If this just keeps up, there’ll be no peaceful, lukewarm return to the old norms. The way I figure, heads are really gonna start rolling, one day.

        “There’ll be blood”

        Might be a good topic for an upcoming blog-spot. Entertain us.

        • Barry, you wrote, “The way I figure, heads are really gonna start rolling, one day.

          “There’ll be blood”

          Might be a good topic for an upcoming blog-spot. ”


          I suggested one scenario in the opening tale to “TobakkoNacht — The Antismoking Endgame.” It wasn’t pretty. And the way things are going with the rest of the predictions in that story I’m starting to wonder if it might be more likely than I thought when I wrote it as science fiction.


        • Frank Davis says:

          Well, some days I think I can see the future, and it usually isn’t very pretty.

      • Ivan D says:

        I am not sure what they did but I know that the majority of the people doing fun runs and all the rest of the good stuff that people do to raise money have no idea thatthey are contributing to this type of thing.

        • beobrigitte says:

          That’s why I no longer give to charities. And they do send you letters with cards + pens; tell you how MUCH they’ll help – themselves! – and they do call you constantly once you cancelled your monthly donation.
          I resorted to buy catfood for the (non-rspca) animal shelter I got my cats from and drop it off in person. I will even pay for one of their animal’s treatment but will then insist that it will be treated at the vet I take my OWN cats to.

          As for helping the Filipino people right now – my best course of action is to give to those who can send it to their relatives over there. I do NOT want to donate for some selfproclaimed “experts” to fly out there, trying to dictate to the locals “how it’s best done”. The locals need food, water, medical care and a place to stay NOW; then they will need building materials and assess the damage done to crop. The locals are the EXPERTS, not some BBC hailed idiot-experts who use the donated cash for a flight out there!!!!

          Thanks to Cancer Research UK and several others I am VERY careful with MY money!

    • beobrigitte says:

      CROOK, PLEASE give us MORE of this utter, utter nonsense!!!
      Btw, you were ok with the children on your video SMOKING???? The children shown look way to young to be able to give consent, so WHO did?
      Or are these fake chiiiiildren?

      Desperation for a plain packaging law. That costs the tax payer ?????

      Cancer research UK with that video has lost the rest of the little credibility it was desperate to hang on to.
      I will make a greater effort to stop people to put money in their begging boxes all over the place!!

      Clearly the anti-smokers don’t care about HOW MANY people they put on the dole queue as long as they can get the tobacco companies.

      Quite frankly, when this anti-smoking nonsense has disappeared, I do have some questions to ask the tobacco companies!

      • “The children in this film were not smoking cigarettes.”

        Oh. Then that’s OK then. So the CRUK wouldn’t mind if all the glam actors and actresses in movies “smoked” like this, right? After all the directors could just say they “were not smoking cigarettes” and everything would be fine ‘n dandy?

        Or is the sauce for the goose not fit for the gander?

        – MJM

        • beobrigitte says:

          “The children in this film were not smoking cigarettes.”

          Sorry, it looks that way, doesn’t it? But then, if CRUK lied about this one, I shudder to think about what else they are not quite truthful about…..

        • Brigitte, it *could* be high-end CGI. If you look closely at the smoke patterns they’re a bit *too* perfect — particularly for outdoor scenes.

          Still however, if just SEEING someone smoke kills children through modeling, imagine the much GREATER impetus toward smoking these children now have in their lives from having had to ACT like they were actually smoking!

          Imagine if Philip Morris had run this ad while voicing over “This is what we’re trying to prevent!” The Antis would have hauled them into court in a heartbeat.

          – MJM

  9. prog says:

    Interesting media lobbying by The Cancer Society of Finland…

    Click to access 44355_Cannes_J%C3%A4rkikuoppa_FINAL_PRINT.pdf

    Leading to this..

    ‘The Intelligence Gap’.

  10. cherie79 says:

    I wonder how I would have got through 2 days of labour in 1961 without about 60 cigarettes! happy days! and my baby was and is just fine. I also only give to a small private local cat charity now, it is about the only charity I trust now.

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