Falling Off The Fiscal Cliff

After a month or more of complete silence, Nannying Tyrants has returned with a hard-hitting post with which I found myself in almost complete agreement. The following bits, anyway:

Speaking about enemies, I have considered who ours are at great length and I list the four of them in the order of importance:

The mainstream media — I have long intended to write a proper blog post about the media, but for now, please know that the media is our greatest enemy. Without the media’s support, those who follow in this list could never have impacted us as greatly as they’ve done these past few years. I am all for a free press and freedom of speech, but the media has been actively and purposefully deceiving all of us and promoting a socially-divisive agenda for too long, all to sell their brand of news. Stay tuned for another post in the coming weeks.

I’m not sure whether I would have awarded them first place, but NT is quite right to say that they have enabled most of the horrors that have befallen us. But my response has been to stop listening to them. I don’t watch TV, or listen to the radio, or buy newspapers.

National Politicians — Our political system is utterly broken and beyond repair. This shambles of a government we call a representative democracy has failed. Completely. There is no saving it. It is a “demockery.” Trust me on this. It has failed everywhere, not just in Britain. If a politician votes against the wishes of the vast majority of the public and/or his constituency, then he is not representing anyone but himself (or herself) or his party’s beliefs. We have all been duped into believing that what we think matters. It doesn’t matter at all to these motherfuckers. They are truly not interested in your well-being; they seek only to empower themselves. They all need to go.

And he’s right again. We have a ‘representative democracy’ in which nobody is represented. Politicians today represent only themselves. They’re not interested in the electorate, except to go back every 5 years to tell them a pack of lies to secure their votes, before returning to government to do whatever they want to do – which mostly seems to be to line their own pockets, as far as I can see. I no longer vote for any of the bastards.

The EU — Some of you will say this should come before our national governments, but I disagree. If we could fix our national governments, the EU problem could be readily solved. You’ve probably noticed a lot of scaremongering coming from the leaders within the EU. That’s because they are desperately clinging on to the last vestiges of power they have. They know as well as you and I do that it’s all going tits up — it’s just a matter of when. The last three or four years, perhaps even longer, have seen endless plasters (Band-Aids for my American readers) stuck on the growing sore that is the EU, but none of these will or can cure the underlying infection. The EU experiment in control has also failed. It has become a rabid monster that needs to be put down by any means. I’ve always liked the free trade of goods and avoiding duty, particularly in respect of cross-border shopping, but upon honest consideration it’s simply not worth enduring the misery.

Another bullseye. It’s because our ‘representative democracy’ doesn’t work any more that our self-serving political class gravitates to Brussels – because that’s where all the loot is. But the EU is indeed going tits up, and the European political class is running more and more scared – I’ve been noticing the scaremongering too.

WHO / Public Health Advocates / Activist Doctors — Public Health should be about things like clean drinking water and fighting off communicable diseases. Instead it has become a breeding ground for prohibitionists and anti-capitalists and socialists, and it is most evident that the “cure” is far worse than the disease. Not to get all lefty-sounding here, but there are many places in the world where people still do not have clean water, where infectious diseases run rampant, so why are these prohibitionist cunts worried about how much booze you drink, plain packaging for tobacco, how much food you eat? Have they ever saved one life? One child? The answer is, “no.” All they really have done is destroy culture and lives, the very substance of our societies and social well-being. They have lied, they take and steal and use our money against us, and why the fuck do we put up with it? Any individual who works in or identifies with the current construct of Public Health must be considered an enemy. They must be given no quarter. Little minions or big minions — they are all equally dangerous and should be held to account. Do not play nice with these people, for they have not played fair at all and they do not intend to. It really is time to take off the gloves, don’tcha think? Or you can keep trying to play by their rules in a system rigged against you, and if you do, you will keep losing. Guaranteed.

I might have been tempted to put this ghastly crew right at the top of the list, because it’s them who get most of my attention. And these arrogant bastards really have been destroying culture and lives, and the very substance of our societies and social well-being, using outright lies and outright theft. I would have added universities here.

So where does it all end?

The main thing about almost all of these various cancerous developments is that they all entail ever-expanding government control and regulation. The EU has set out to regulate absolutely everything. And their servants in national parliaments (of whatever party) are out to do the same. The WHO and public health zealots want ever tighter regulation of the most private personal habits. And of course the environmentalists want to restrict ‘carbon emissions’ and replace coal and oil power with solar and wind power. And the effect of all these regulations is to gradually stifle every activity, and in particular economic activity. It becomes harder and harder to keep businesses afloat as the rules and regulations mount up (as Dick Puddlecote has repeatedly reported). Pubs fail as ostracised smokers stay home. And so on.

And the principal effect of all this stifling, strangulating regulation must be to slow, and ultimately to stall the engine of the economy. In fact, this process is far advanced already. And the result, sooner or later, must be a collapse of tax revenues for government and its armies of regulators. After all, it’s not these bureaucrats that create wealth: all they do is to consume it.  So money is simply going to dry up for the WHO, the public health zealots, the environmentalists, the global warmists, national governments, and the EU, and every other taxpayer-funded social engineering project. Whole armies of bureaucrats are going to be made unemployed (and quite likely unemployable). Tracts of government offices, national and local, will empty. Universities – mostly publicly funded – will be just as hard hit, and many of them will close down, dumping regiments of unemployable sociology professors onto the streets. And the publicly funded media (i.e. the BBC) will shrink dramatically. There won’t be BBC1/2/3/4/5/6 etc. There’ll just be the BBC. And it will probably be in black and white. Nor will the privately-owned media fare much better, because – let’s face it – they don’t produce wealth either. And all the fake charities will vanish overnight, leaving only the real ones.

And what then? My guess is that a new breed of politician will emerge – more or less all the previous breed of troughers having been evicted -. They’ll be plain-speaking men and women from small towns, with names like Arkwright. They won’t have media gurus, or speak in soundbites. They’ll say what they think, and what they think needs to be done right now. And their attention will not be focused on Brussels’ derelict offices, but on the constituents who elected them. They won’t have grand social engineering ambitions: they’ll just be wanting to get the electricity and water supplies reconnected in their home towns. Politics will become local. The town mayor will become more important than its Westminster MP.

And the job of parliament will not be, as in the recent past, to make more and more laws, but to un-make them all. Entire tracts of legislation will simply be revoked, with the express intention of revitalising the economy, and rewarding enterprise and imagination rather than penalising it. Utopian social engineering will be out, and practical, hard-headed common sense will be in. Smoking bans will be lifted, needless to say.

It will be a difficult time. There will be vast numbers of unemployed Community Outreach Officers and Environmental Footprint Engineers and Sociology Professors and Media Gurus roaming the streets, waving placards and shouting “Out! Out! Out!” But, gradually, the economic engine will begin to recover, and new enterprises will start up.

I can’t see any alternative to this. And perhaps it’s already started in the USA, which stepped off the Fiscal Cliff today, triggering automatic tax hikes and spending cuts. And even if they manage to row back, they (and the rest of the Western world) will remain on the edge of a fiscal cliff that has been created by governmental giantism, bureaucratic hyper-regulation, and utopian social engineering.

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26 Responses to Falling Off The Fiscal Cliff

  1. Woodsy42 says:

    I wish I believed there would be unemployed useless parasites. Sadly I think they will be the last to go. After all the real working people have lost their jobs and productive work has stopped they will be walking round to analyse what went wrong, dream up useless fantasy cures, enforce the regulations and run the government run charities needed to support a non-working impoverished population.

  2. Greg Burrows says:

    Good post Frank, hope it comes soon.

  3. smokervoter says:

    I was very impressed with Jay’s spot-on post myself. It had me pumping my fists in the air the whole time. I’ve become a super fan of his writing. He doesn’t mince words, nor should he or any of us. These nannying tyrants (and that is exactly what they are – the whole vile lot of them) have got to be shown the door. I can relate to his month long absence. When I get tired of thinking about how screwed up things are, I tend to get back to playing some music on my Mystic blue Ibanez Blazer.

    Your summation and elaboration is right on the money. You should repeat this post monthly, it says it all and it all needs to be said. My wish is that it would somehow make it onto the Drudge Report, where millions upon millions might absorb the simple yet powerful truth of it.

    I would add one more set of culprits to the mix: the drones. The crowd-chasing utopian electorate who empower and enable these horrible troughers by voting for them like wishful lemmings. Drones take their cues from the media, the intelligentsia and the encrusted bureaucracy. Voting for them makes them feel like they’re a part of the Team. I just found out that Los Angeles went 70% for Obama – that’s staggering herd mentality at work.

    The word going around the USA is that there’s a new unstoppable dynamic consisting of Blacks, Latinos, single women and the youth vote. The Tea Party and old white men are fading out, so get used to the resurgence of smiley-face Big Government and the Nanny State, it’s the wave of the future.

    Like Blair’s ruthless strategy of importing millions of future Labour voters by opening the immigration floodgates, the Democrats (and groping Republicans) will soon legalize another 10 to 20 million future voters (and their relatives) and that will pretty much mark the end of laissez faire, individualistic America as we know it.

    Of course, before I become too negative here, it should be recalled that after Reagan’s eight years, followed by Bush Senior’s 4 years, the same thing in opposite was the meme with Liberals. They were supposedly dead forever, a dirty word.

    What will ultimately tame this mess are the Markets and the bond markets in particular. The Invisible Hand will win out, it always does. All the academics, government employees and pop culture lefties combined will find that they haven’t repealed the laws of supply and demand nor the harsh reality of the balance sheet.

    For the time being they’ve tapped into some more money for the Beast by nicking the wealthy and they’ve postponed the spending cuts as usual. Obama the snarky, pop culture President thinks all is well. There’s a big bond market sell-off looming that will wipe that grin off his face. And the drones will wail.

    I don’t know precisely when it will come, but it will come.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Ive a feeling things in the republican party are fixing to take a leap to total conservative control and the moderate reps that have been running the party for the last 8 years or so are on there way out……….Seems Cantor is leading a revolt against our fellow smoker and treasonous bastard BOEHNER tonite……..Ive a feeling we may see Eric Cantor as the new speaker of the house very soon.

  4. junican says:

    And of course the environmentalists want to restrict ‘carbon emissions’ and replace coal and oil power with solar and wind power

    It is late. Just a quicky. The amount of power beneath our feet, within the Earth, is unimaginably great. Vast beyond imagining for we minuscule insects on the surface. It would not matter if the whole surface of the earth was covered with humans, we would not even be able to draw off a billionth of a billionth of the energy within the Earth.

    I am really curious about the fact that geothermal energy extraction is not the main provision of energy. After all, electricity is merely the oscillation of electrons. How you get the heat to boil water (which is not destroyed in the process) which drives electrical turbines is the most important thing.

    Instead of spending billions upon windmills, it would have been better to spend the money on extracting heat from the Earth.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Junican is right,geo-thermal is the wave of the future as its never ending! The problem is you need to be by a active geological area to be able to utilize the source as an effective means of power generation……… In Alaska they have a generating facility that pumps water into the hot ground and it comes out STEAM to run electric generators!

      • harleyrider1978 says:

        Fiscal Cliff’ Face-off: Boehner, Cantor Showdown Over Vote Tonight

        When the House votes on Tuesday evening (or potentially right after midnight early Wednesday morning), House Republicans will likely be divided into two camps: Team Boehner and Team Cantor.

        Those who vote for the bill will be on Team Boehner and those who oppose it will be on Team Cantor. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is backing the bill, and conservative groups like FreedomWorks are opposing it.

        House Speaker John Boehner is, according to some media accounts and several Republican members, prepared to vote in favor of the the Senate “fiscal cliff” deal that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Vice President Joe Biden cut late on New Year’s Eve, which passed by an 89-8 margin. Boehner aides haven’t answered requests for confirmation of these rumors and reports. The National Review’s Robert Costa reports that Boehner won’t personally vote unless his vote is needed to pass the plan through the House.

        House Majority Leader Eric Cantor will be taking a different path. He’ll be voting against the bill, and according to some offices, he’s been the organizing power behind House GOP opposition to the deal.

        That means the number one and number two House Republicans will be heading in completely different directions when the “fiscal cliff” vote happens.

        Some conservatives, like Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho, who plan to vote against the bill expect it to pass anyway. And that may end up happening. But the internal House GOP fight is far from over with this vote.

        Boehner suffered politically after his failure to pass his fiscal cliff “Plan B” before Christmas, and now that he’ll likely need Democratic votes to push this plan through he’s even weaker.

        That means Cantor, who’s wanted the speakership for a long time, could strike now and challenge Boehner in the election for House officeholders on Thursday–or he’ll likely have to wait at least another two years.

        Cantor’s spokespersons Doug Heye and Rory Cooper both publicly tweeted denials. “Majority Leader Cantor stands with @SpeakerBoehner,” Heye wrote. “Speculation otherwise is silly, non-productive and untrue.”

        “Folks out there w/ crazy theories about what’s going on in House,” Cooper wrote. “All ridiculous. Just figuring out best path forward. Stay calm, carry on.”

        Cooper’s and Heye’s comments don’t negate the fact that Boehner and Cantor are deliberately taking drastically different stances heading into this vote.

        Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer even thinks Cantor may be going to make a move at Boehner. “It’s possible (Eric Cantor’s opposition to fiscal cliff bill) is the prelude to a challenge Thursday,” Krauthammer said on Fox News Channel’s Special Report on Tuesday evening.

        “It would be naked to do it at this late hour as a result of the split over this vote. Look, there are a lot of conservatives in the Republican caucus in the House who hate the bill and for good reason. This is a complete surrender on everything. The ratio of tax hikes to spending cuts is 40 to 1, rather than 1 to 1 or 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. So, I mean it’s a complete rout by the Democrats.”

    • margo says:

      Too dangerous – earthquakes and so on.

    • beobrigitte says:

      Instead of spending billions upon windmills, it would have been better to spend the money on extracting heat from the Earth.

      Windmills are unsightly and inefficient as well as a bird killer.

      I actually know someone who had another idea, which works VERY well.
      This guy basically taps into the ground water, compresses it to 80 degrees C and with that he heats the underfloor heating and the water tank. The compressed water cools off during the process and is fed back to the ground. The whole thing is driven by a few solar cells on the roof and surplus is being fed into the national grid.
      This guy actually makes a profit. (Not sure it would work here in England but it might be worthwhile looking into it)

  5. harleyrider1978 says:

    Of course there is no alternative. Once it all has been spent and printed out of existence a hard wave Depression sets in with HYPER-INFLATION. Stocks might soar but the soar has been 80% generated by government buying worthless stocks with mouse click dollars in an amount exceeding 100 trillion from the treasury since 2007. Stock values arent values their numbers in unrecorded deficit spending by the FED that doesnt have to tell anyone anything and why Ron Paul has always called for an AUDIT OF ITS BOOKS. If the world truly knew just how busted the american currenct really is theyd buy mogadishu dollars as a hedge against devaluation!

  6. harleyrider1978 says:

    Boehner Responds to Reid: ‘Go F— Yourself’
    5:27 AM, Jan 2, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

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    John Boehner delivered a sharp response to Harry Reid, who last week accussed the House speaker of running “dictatorship.” The top Republican reportedly told the top Senate Democrat, “Go f— yourself.”

    “What are you talking about?” Reid repleid, at the White House.

    “Go f— yourself,” Boehner repeated.

    Politico reports on the exchange:

    House Speaker John Boehner couldn’t hold back when he spotted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the White House lobby last Friday.

    It was only a few days before the nation would go over the fiscal cliff, no bipartisan agreement was in sight, and Reid had just publicly accused Boehner of running a “dictatorship” in the House and caring more about holding onto his gavel than striking a deal.

    “Go f— yourself,” Boehner sniped as he pointed his finger at Reid, according to multiple sources present.

    Reid, a bit startled, replied: “What are you talking about?”

    Boehner repeated: “Go f— yourself.”

    The harsh exchange just a few steps from the Oval Office — which Boehner later bragged about to fellow Republicans — was only one episode in nearly two months of high-stakes negotiations laced with distrust, miscommunication, false starts and yelling matches as Washington struggled to ward off $500 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts.

  7. nisakiman says:

    So money is simply going to dry up for the WHO, the public health zealots, the environmentalists, the global warmists, national governments, and the EU, and every other taxpayer-funded social engineering project.

    As Harley points out, the problem is that with having a fiat currency, TPTB will just keep the printing presses rolling until we end up with hyperinflation as per the Weimar Republic in the 20s, at which point just about everything will implode, leaving us, the people, with a somewhat Pyrrhic victory.

  8. Frank Davis says:

    the problem is that with having a fiat currency, TPTB will just keep the printing presses rolling until we end up with hyperinflation as per the Weimar Republic in the 20s,


    Precisely because of their Weimar experience, etched in their memories, I very much doubt that the Germans will go down that path. I suspect they’d rather leave the eurozone than allow that to happen. There have been a lot of rumours floating around for the past couple of years that the Germans have printed a lot of d-marks in anticipation of this.

    Similar considerations have kept Britain out of the eurozone.

    The world has a plurality of fiat currencies, and TPTB are not all of one mind. It’s perfectly possible to operate a fiat currency, if it’s done responsibly.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      The problem we have is the ”Fiat Currencies” arent based upon any value standard like gold or silver. What its supposedly based upon is the value of the market place and the value of real estate within the borders of that country. If it has any representational value at all that is. But one must look at the U.S. and its currency issues. The Federal government maintains 6 money markets called M1-M6 and I think thats all of them. Im not quite sure what each is for but I know they rob from each other daily. Its also those accounts that they trade currency swaps in from nation to nation. Owebama has swapped probably trillions in dollars for euros to keep the euro value up……….but even that hits a point of no return and I believe that was hit when it came down the EU would now operate like the FED does and can print all the EURO’S they want…………..

      • Frank Davis says:

        The problem we have is the ”Fiat Currencies” arent based upon any value standard like gold or silver.

        And what’s the value of gold and silver? And what is meant by ‘value’?

        I’m slightly inclined to pick up where I last left off with Idle Theory in this matter.

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          If we were to simply take gold as a standard marker of value against the dollar
          2007 gold was roughly 500.00 dollars an ounce and today its 1700.00!

          So we could say the dollar has devalued over 200% in 5 years

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Another marker is the value of crude oil traded only in dollars globally……….higher prices mean dollar devaluation. Its why we see wide swings in the price of petrol globally in the markets.

    • nisakiman says:

      Yes, of course, currencies. I was thinking particularly of UK, but as you point out, there are many currencies involved.

      … the Germans have printed a lot of d-marks in anticipation of this.

      As I understand it, when the various nations joined the Eurozone, it was incumbent upon them to destroy their previous national currencies. The only country that didn’t destroy it’s banknotes (despite it being a mandatory condition of entry) was Germany. They are apparently stashed, probably in the basement of the Bundesbank.

  9. harleyrider1978 says:

    When they print those trillions in excess EURO’s they are devaluing germanys net worth at the same time. Hense why Germany probably does have trillions in extra marks printed and waiting in several vaults around germany for the day of euro collapse and as probably all other countries have national currency in vaults waiting.

  10. harleyrider1978 says:

    Did you read where the CBO congressional budget office have stated the new cliff deal puts nearly 4 trillion on the debt automatically……….we are truly on the way to financial armegeddon.

  11. Jay says:

    Thanks for writing about this. I did mention “certain university departments” after the four, but in this case I was thinking of the “OMG it’s the end of the world and it’s all the fault of big business and you consumers” global warming disaster departments. You’re right that universities should be included in the list, yet on the other hand, Public Health is almost exclusively based in universities, apart from the WHO HQ. So the Public Health Advocates / Activist Doctors probably cover some universities by default.

    Unis have always been a hotbed of “we need to save the world” activism, socialism and downright communism since at least the late 50s. This doesn’t particularly bother me, though, because once MOST students graduate and start working in the real world, they abandon those beliefs pretty quickly.

    By way of anecdote, I had a girlfriend who once believed all of the crap her school indoctrinated her with. Newly graduated, she had no money, yet she would regularly give what little she had away to homeless people, or buy food and clothes for them, and the like. She supported every charity. She adopted whales, and other “endangered” animals and cried for them. I put up with it because she was hot as fuck, but … Once she got a full-time job (which was in retail, despite her absolutely pointless psychology degree), it took about six months of working before she realised that almost everything she had believed in was complete bollocks. She stopped feeding the homeless and giving her money way to rip-off charities and within the next year or more or less became a jaded capitalist like the rest of us.

    And that’s the way of the world, I guess — IF you leave university and actually work for a living. If you don’t, if you make your career as an academic (or maybe an actor), then the real world doesn’t apply and you can continue believing all of that socialist dogma until you die. The idea of saving the world is the great folly of youth; protecting your family and yourself, well that’s for the grown-ups. Some of us, anyway.

    • nisakiman says:

      …if you make your career as an academic (or maybe an actor), then the real world doesn’t apply…

      I think that line of reasoning (which is correct in my opinion) can be applied equally to the politicians who have been making our lives a misery for the past decade or two. No experience nor understanding of the real world whatsoever. They truly live in a Westminster bubble, oblivious to the practicalities of life.

      • GaryK30 says:

        “No experience nor understanding of the real world whatsoever.”

        Indeed, and no understanding of basic rules of ’cause and effect’.

        At the present time in America we are about to get engaged in vast political outrage over school kids getting killed in schools by guns.

        There are calls for more restrictions and bans.

        But, I will give a million dollars(US) for every kid killed by a gun in school every year. if they will give me $1 for every kid that is not.

        My net will be over $30 million to the good.
        In an average year, the odds are 2,558,000 to 1 against a child being killed in school by being shot.

        Three hundred twenty-three students have died in documented school shootings over the past 15 years, according to data from the National School Safety Center for grades K through 12.

        That is an average of 21.5 per year.

        There are about 55 million students in grades K through 12.

        21.5 per 55,000,000 = 1 per 2,558,000

        • GaryK30 says:

          That is a probabilty of 99.99996% for NOT being killed!!!!

          I wish that you could pass laws doing away with idiocy.

    • Frank Davis says:

      Unis have always been a hotbed of “we need to save the world” activism, socialism and downright communism since at least the late 50s. This doesn’t particularly bother me, though, because once MOST students graduate and start working in the real world, they abandon those beliefs pretty quickly.

      You’re quite right. And I was saying much the same to an old schoolmate that I met up with last year. I spent well over a decade in university, and it tends to rub off. And that’s probably why I’ve been moderately left wing for most of my life, although I spent the next 20 years in the real world of computing.

      You’re probably right about Public Health being concentrated in universities. But there’s also the medical establishment in the BMA, RCP, etc as well as the WHO. And then there’s the DoH in government. And then there are all those busybodies in local councils as well. None of them live in the real world, of course..

  12. harleyrider1978 says:

    A fathers daughter was a leftwing radical in her second year of college and she was always harping on how the government needs to take more and give it to those who didnt work for it.
    At the end of her 2nd year she comes home and proudly presents her father with 3.8 and 3.9 grade point averages across her grade sheet,smiling proudly she proclaims see how hard I worked daddy! Daddy looks the sheet over and says,my honey what good grades but how did others fare in your classes. Oh daddy I was top of all my classes and quite a few failed by just a few points…………Daddy says well dont you think you could have shared some of your good grade with those who failed so they could pass too! No,DADDY I WORKED HARD FOR THOSE GRADES!!!!! And so you will to when you start working and the government takes your hard earned dollars and gives them to those who didnt work hard for it either my dear daughter!

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