Sitting Is The New Smoking – Or Maybe Not

Amusing yet accurate piece on Jo Nova.

I concede the globe warmed approximately 1 degree Celsius over the course of the 20th century, but I have my doubts about the other nine Tenets. But if you are a devout believer in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) and want to convert me to your religion then I’m going to tell you how you can do it.

The fourteen easy steps
Step 1 – Stop making predictions that don’t come true.
Step 2 – When you make a prediction, don’t just say something “might” happen.
Step 3 – Don’t live your life like you don’t believe a word you’re saying.
Step 4 – Stop the hate.
Step 5 – Stop avoiding debate.
Step 6 – Answer questions.
Step 7 – Stop enjoying catastrophes.
Step 8 – Don’t use invalid arguments.
Step 9 – When you are wrong, admit it and apologise.
Step 10 – Stop claiming that 97% of scientists agree that humans are warming the globe significantly.
Step 11 – Stop lying. If you think it is okay to lie if it’s for a good cause, you are wrong.
Step 12 – Rebuke your fellow Warmists if they act in an unscientific way.
Step 13 – Stop blaming everything on Global Warming.
Step 14 – Why are the only solutions always big-government “progressive” policies?

Read the whole thing over on Jo Nova.

And Sitting Is The New Smoking:

A new campaign, Get Britain Standing, aims to get the nation back on its feet and help turn back the rising tide of ill health that is caused by spending too much time sitting down .

Gavin Bradley, director of Get Britain Standing, says: “It’s like smoking during the 1970s and passive smoking during the 90s. We all know a sedentary lifestyle is bad for us, we just don’t realise how bad it is. Spending less time sitting down really can add years to your life. That is the most important message.

But wait…!!! H/T Harley, Jogging Is Bad For Your Health:

A new study has found that people with a sedentary lifestyle live longer than marathon runners. The study by Dr. Martin Matsumura, co-director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute at the Leigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, PA, confounds expectations, with Dr Matsumura commenting: “Our study didn’t find any differences that could explain these longevity differences..”

I’ve also read that quite a few one-time Obama supporters are now deeply disenchanted with him. This video, from ZeroHedge, demonstrates one girl’s disenchantment.

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38 Responses to Sitting Is The New Smoking – Or Maybe Not

  1. wobbler2012 says:

    Excellent tips from Jo Nova! The whole AGW thing is scam set up to make some already very rich people even more richer.

    As for Obama he is a fake as a 2 dollar bill, spotted that years ago, some people in the USA are just a little slow at catching up.

    And if you want to know just how bad things are in the USA at the moment then take a look at the betting odds, Clinton is favourite to be the next President by some distance. After all those years with a Bush or a Clinton in charge you would think that America has seen enough of them, but no out of 300 plus million people we are looking at another f**king Clinton. It’s a rigged deck.

    • waltc says:

      Well, miles to go before we slash our wrists. Though I don’t underestimate the Democrats demolition machine, it’ll still depend on the Republican alternatives as well as whether or not they learn how to fight back. I note the little girl in the video– who seemed as much to be looking for a reason to shuck her shirt as to make a political point– was criticizing Obama et al from the left, not the right or even the center. But to whatever extent she might represent Liberal Youth, I can see them actually turning to someone like Rand Paul.

    • Frank Davis says:

      Clinton is favourite to be the next President by some distance.

      Oh, puhlease, not Hillary Clinton!!! I can think of 300 million Americans I’d rather see as POTUS than that killjoy.

      I quite liked Bill. He was an affable kind of guy. Never understood why he married an ice queen like Hillary though.

      • beobrigitte says:

        I quite liked Bill until, self-assured, he made such an idiot out of himself. I sure hope Hillary staying with him was some kind of deal between them.
        Is Hillary in politics a good idea? I am not convinced; she appears too gullible.

      • Harleyrider1978 says:

        Hillary is yesterdays dishwater and nearly all of us know it. She is a Marxist thru and thru!

      • Tom says:

        Hillary introduced the smoking ban at the White House where-as Nancy Pelosi, another Demoncrat, introduced the smoking ban into the Capitol Building. That alone are two reasons to hate the Demoncratic Party.

      • wobbler2012 says:

        She is a shade over even money Frank, the next two favourites in the betting are a worry, Marco Rubio (around 12/1) is generally very bad news but nowhere near as bad as the 3rd in the running, a Mr Jeb BUSH (around 13/1). That’s right, it’s yet ANOTHER F**KING BUSH.

        You can already see how rigged the whole game is.

  2. roobeedoo2 says:

    Frank, I posted that exact story from Zero Hedge, of the girl lighting up, at Frank’s Place in a Parallel Universe today. Keep smoking the pets out so they’ve nowhere left to hide.

  3. Marie says:

    Around half of the Danish Health and Medicines Authority’s (Sundhetstyrelsen) funding comes directly, through fees, from global pharmaceutical giants. According to the Danish Medical Association (DMA, where most Danish doctors are members).

    Link to the article above.

  4. carol2000 says:

    To the Editor: Withhold Surgical Treatment for Smoking ?
    “I find the very suggestion that we consider withholding indicated medical/surgical care from patients because we don’t like smoking to be deeply repugnant. That a leader in our profession would propose that surgeons withhold care to make a point about smoking indicates how deeply we bow before the altar of PC idolatry. While Dr. Greene laments that “all of the current efforts to improve health care and to support legislation such as the Affordable Care Act will be totally meaningless unless we challenge patients to take responsibility for their own health and reduce [bad] habits,” I lament that leaders like Dr. Greene would propose that we punish and harm individual patients by withholding surgical care in support of governmental legislative goals. Such a communitarian ethos must be rejected as profoundly unethical by anyone who takes the Hippocratic Oath seriously.” – Edward R. Teitel, MD, FACS, JD, MBA

    • Frank Davis says:

      This is why the medical profession must be completely dismantled, and every single Dr Greene expelled from it, and disallowed from ever practising medicine again, and the remaining doctors required to swear the Hippocratic Oath in blood in order to join a reformed profession.

    • beobrigitte says:

      How interesting! Dr. Greene replied:
      I am not suggesting that we refuse patients their needed surgical procedures. What I am suggesting is that we take a lead in ensuring that patients join with us in smoking cessation strategies before their operations rather than enabling them to continue their risky behavior. In my view, this does not represent punishment or withholding of surgical care, but does meet our Hippocratic maxim of primum non nocere.

      In other words: REFUSE surgical procedures until the patient agrees to smoking cessation treatment.
      I suggest that the medical profession demonstrates how well e.g. Zyban, Champix etc.etc. works by taking them. During this time I REFUSE surgical procedures on ME.

      • smokingscot says:

        Primum non nocere = First do no harm

        Dr. Greene is a very seriously deluded f…wit, with an over-inflated ego.

        By his own convoluted logic anyone who practices “risky behavior” could be treated the same way. Fat, drink, motorcycles, hang gliding. Endless list.

        And why might I not want “join with” them? Because then I might become one of them and that’s a prospect that’s utterly abhorrent.

        I will not join with the fearful… ever. .

        • beobrigitte says:

          Yes the primum non nocere at the end of the sentence entertained me no end, too!!!

          By his own convoluted logic anyone who practices “risky behavior” could be treated the same way. Fat, drink, motorcycles, hang gliding. Endless list.

          Do not forget the (much celebrated) London marathon!!! How many YOUNG people have collapsed and died, running this race? I doubt that any other “extreme sport” shows such a high death rate!!
          Yes, this (in my opinion) nutter has no concept of reality. When irrational fear dictates one’s life, it has already ended.

          I can’t join with the fearful – I have got a life to live.

    • Harleyrider1978 says:

      WASHINGTON — Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who was held responsible for the troubled rollout of the federal government’s website, is resigning.

      “From her work on Head Start, to expanding mental health coverage, to advancing cutting-edge healthcare research and, of course, her unwavering leadership in implementing the Affordable Care Act, Secretary Sebelius often calls her work the most meaningful of her life,” an HHS official said Thursday. “As she closes this chapter, Secretary Sebelius is extremely thankful to President Obama and very proud of the historic accomplishments of this administration.”

      Sebelius, 65, who has served in the post since the beginning of President Obama’s first term in 2009, was “long expected” to resign, according to The Hill newspaper. “The Obama administration insisted it would hold officials responsible for their work, but quietly signaled that drastic measures couldn’t take place while the federal website struggled to get off the ground,” the paper said.

      Her resignation comes just a few weeks after the end of the first open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges, under which more than 7 million people have signed up for health insurance, exceeding government projections. Despite that success, Sebelius was criticized for the federal exchange’s rocky launch.

      The rest of Sebelius’s tenure also was not without controversy; in 2011, she overruled FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, MD, in deciding that the “morning-after pill” Plan-B One-Step could not be sold over the counter. That decision drew criticism from groups such as the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

      Obama’s expected nominee to succeed Sebelius is Sylvia Burwell, who currently heads the Office of Management and Budget, according to CNN.

      Prior to her HHS post, Sebelius, 65, served as a Kansas state representative from 1987 to 1995; she then served 8 years as the state’s insurance commissioner before being elected governor in 2003. She is the daughter of the late Ohio Democratic governor John Gilligan.

      Please Lord fill the airwaves with even more Owebummer failures!

  5. Harleyrider1978 says:

    with Dr Matsumura commenting: “Our study didn’t find any differences that could explain these longevity differences..”


    Study: live to 100 by defying all health advice

    Einstein College recently studied folks who lived past age 95. The reluctantly reported result: “People who live to 95 or older are no more virtuous than the rest of us in terms of their diet, exercise routine or smoking and drinking habits.”

    Einstein College press release: … 78&pt=news

  6. Harleyrider1978 says:

    From Iro CageCanada

    This study finds that poorer people are not quitting smoking. So much for their theory that raising taxes is the best incentive to get people to quit!

  7. Harleyrider1978 says:

    The Church of Climatology
    From the U.S. to the UK to the Vatican, global warming now literally part of religion,81349

    I had summized some time ago the New Pope was an EU selection after the unheard of retirement of a living Pope! The EU as we all know has put in place its Puppet governments in nearly all the EU countries now. Those that didn’t quickly fell in line behind the Masters of the EU!

  8. Harleyrider1978 says:

    Say you’ve got a lot of CASH to be used for doing your dirty work against tobacco smoking!

    Well you find a way to school other non-profits in how to do it like here in Cincinatti Ohio that just pumped 300,000 to a few places to buy some smoking bans and then use those results for a media Blitz across the region to say look they are doing it so can you!

    Then well say you want them to do direct lobbying but its against the law……….

    Start up some classes then make a donation to them from your own non-profit!

    Many nonprofits work under the belief that they cannot partake in lobbying or election activities. This could be true for some, but for the most part, nonprofits can participate in both activities within the IRS guidelines. Because this is an election year, this topic is very timely.

    If your organization would like more information about this topic, a unique opportunity is available next week. On Tuesday, Feb. 21, Abby Levine from the Alliance for Justice will provide local nonprofits with information and advice about their legal rights to advocate and lobby.

    . To register, call Lorraine Kawecki at 513-458-6680.

  9. Harleyrider1978 says:

    If you need to create a media stir to get your dead message out and you’ve got money in your non-profit simply make grants for going smokefree to targeted areas,then after they take the money and do the deed you ca blitz it media style to keep the anti-agenda rolling…..ehh even finance some polling to show public support for good measure………

    Interact for health in Cincinatti Ohio has done just that and for quite a while here in ky!
    $300K boosts anti-smoking push
    Interact for Health has awarded six groups more than $300,000 to boost tobacco-free environments. The grants announced Thursday will help the six groups prohibit both smoke and smoke-free tobacco, as well as e-cigarettes.

    “If we really want to make an impact on the health of everyone in our community, tobacco-free environments are critical,” said Ann Barnum, senior program officer at Interact, a Norwood-based non-profit. “Tobacco-free environments positively affect those who use tobacco products and those who are exposed to secondhand smoke.”

    If that’s not enuf then build an army out of other non-profits and spread your venom/grant money and show them how to break the laws against Lobbying at the same time………..
    Interact for Health at it again:

    Many nonprofits work under the belief that they cannot partake in lobbying or election activities. This could be true for some, but for the most part, nonprofits can participate in both activities within the IRS guidelines. Because this is an election year, this topic is very timely.

    If your organization would like more information about this topic, a unique opportunity is available next week. On Tuesday, Feb. 21, Abby Levine from the Alliance for Justice will provide local nonprofits with information and advice about their legal rights to advocate and lobby.

    For more information, go to To register, call Lorraine Kawecki at 513-458-6680.

    • Harleyrider1978 says:

      That’s what an hour of investigation can yield……..not bad Id say

    • Harleyrider1978 says:

      Student advocacy

      One of Alliance for Justice’s primary goals is to provide educational resources to support the next generation of advocates.

      Every year on the first Monday in October, the opening of the Supreme Court’s session, Student Action Campaign unites student activists on college, university, and law school campuses nationwide to fight for social justice. AFJ’s First Monday program has produced award-winning documentary films and programs designed to educate the public about social justice issues and to expose students to careers in public interest advocacy.

      In 2006, SAC produced the documentary Quiet Revolution in response to the alleged right wing take over of the federal court system. Quiet Revolution has been distributed to more than 25,000 viewers across the nation, and SAC has gone on to produce Supreme Injustices and Access Denied?, released in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

      Student Action Campaign is a campus-based program designed to raise awareness about social justice issues. Campaigns have explored issues such as housing and homelessness, the death penalty, gun violence, and post-9/11 civil liberties.

  10. Harleyrider1978 says:

    Abby Levine from the Alliance for Justice will provide local nonprofits with information and advice about their legal rights to advocate and lobby.

    Boy how they all work together from the FAR LEFT!


    Alliance for Justice (AFJ) is a national association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, women’s, children’s and consumer advocacy organizations in the USA.

    In 1979, 20 advocacy organizations joined to form the Alliance for Justice under its founder, Nan Aron. Alliance for Justice works to advance the cause of justice for Americans, to strengthen the public interest community’s ability to influence public policy, and to foster the next generation of advocates.

    In 2004, AFJ expanded with the launch of its West Coast office. The office expanded West Coast operations by more than 50%.[1]

    Alliance for Justice focuses on four main areas of advocacy, representing judicial, foundation, nonprofit, and student interests.

    Nonprofit and foundation advocacy[edit]

    Alliance for Justice’s Nonprofit Advocacy Project and companion Foundation Advocacy Initiative have developed resources, and implemented initiatives to help build the capacity of the nonprofit and foundation communities to take their rightful seat at the policy table. Often, these organizations are the only entities working to provide a voice for individuals too vulnerable or too underrepresented to compete with special interests that dominate policymaking decisions.

    As more nonprofits recognize the need to engage in advocacy, lobbying, election-related activities and other public policy work in order to best serve their constituencies, there is an increased demand for information on how to do so within the confines of current tax and election laws and regulations. Through in-person and web-based workshops, legal technical assistance, plain language publications, and public education, AFJ’s Nonprofit Advocacy Project and Foundation Advocacy Initiative provide leaders and organizations with the information they need to navigate these rules and create an open dialogue on public policy.

    With its staff of attorney-trainers, AFJ translates these rules into easy-to-understand language, and address questions about the permissibility of activities while protecting the rights of nonprofits to participate in public policy development in pursuit of their charitable missions. AFJ promotes nonprofit participation in public policy by offering support to nonprofit organizations on the laws and regulations governing nonprofit advocacy work.

    In 2005, the alliance ran a campaign called “Save Phil A. Buster” in an effort to stop a proposal to prohibit the filibuster in cases of judicial nominations.[3]

  11. Harleyrider1978 says:

    So lets say your a big company and your into prohibition and the like. You want to build partnerships with its own endowment trusts to do the dirty work and you still Control them.

    So you take money and create a sort of business like an old HMO. Then you after a few years you get one of your other businesses to buy the HMO and rename it something else……..Then you get the Board of Directors of the former HMO to take the proceeds of the sale and make a trust or endowment for a non-profit agency…..In this case over 200 million dollars worth. You take that endowment and invest it with………….likely another company in the group that started the HMO to begin with like J&J say………..Then you find other smaller non-profits that you started or somebody else did to well spread the grant money around legally but only up to the legal amount that they can use for LOBBYING……….Plus a tidy cash amount for their efforts/breaking the law a tad to push your agenda!

    Then set up a legal advocacy group to make sure they stay within the legal gray zone you’ve created………..If all else fails just tell em we got PRESIDENTIAL PROTECTION should all hell break lose!

    • Harleyrider1978 says:

      Look who you represent all the leftist groups out there including the ones pushing GLOBAL WARMING!

      As of May 2012, the member organizations of the Alliance are:[4]
      Advocacy Fund
      Advocates for Youth
      AIDS United
      The Arc
      Arkansas Center for Health Improvement
      Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
      Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
      Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
      Business and Professional Women’s Foundation
      Campion Foundation
      Center for Children’s Law and Policy
      Center for Constitutional Rights
      Center for Digtal Democracy
      Center for Inquiry
      Center for Law and Social Policy
      Center for Legal Aid Education
      Center for Reproductive Rights
      Center for Science in the Public Interest
      Children’s Defense Fund
      City Project
      Compassion and Choices
      Comprehensive Health Education Foundation
      Consumer Action
      Consumers Union
      Culture Project
      Defending Dissent Foundation
      Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
      Drug Policy Alliance
      Earthday Network
      Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund
      Education Law Center
      Energy Foundation
      Equal Justice Society
      Equal Rights Advocates
      Food Bank of the Abemarle
      Food Research and Action Center
      Green For All
      Harmon, Curran, Spielberg and Eisenberg, LLP
      Human Rights Campaign
      Institute for Public Representation
      Jobs with Justice
      Justice Policy Institute
      Justice Policy Institute
      Juvenile Law Center
      Lambda Legal
      Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
      League of Conservation Voters Educational Fund
      Legal Aid Society
      Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center
      Legal Momentum
      Maine Women’s Lobby
      Mental Health America
      Methodist Healthcare Ministries
      Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
      NARAL Pro-Choice America
      National Abortion Federation
      National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
      National Center for Law and Economic Justice
      National Center for Lesbian Rights
      National Center for Youth Law
      National Center on Poverty Law
      National Consumer Voice for Long-Term Quality Care
      National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
      National Council of Jewish Women
      National Council of Nonprofits
      National Council for Research on Women
      National Education Association
      National Employment Lawyers Association
      National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
      National Immigration Forum
      National Immigration Law Center
      National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
      National Lawyers Guild
      National Legal Aid & Defender Association
      National Low Income Housing Coalition
      National Parks Conservation Association
      National Partnership for Women and Families
      National Senior Citizens Law Center
      National Veterans Legal Services Program
      National Whistleblower Center
      National Wildlife Federation
      National Women’s Law Center
      Native American Rights Fund
      Natural Resources Defense Council
      New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
      Physicians for Human Rights
      Planned Parenthood Federation of America
      Progress Michigan
      Public Advocates, Incorporated
      Secular Coalition for America
      Service Employees International Union
      Seton Hall Law School Center for Social Justice
      Sierra Club Foundation
      States United to Prevent Gun Violence Research and Education Fund
      Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
      Tides Center
      University of Pennsylvania Law School Public Service Program
      Violence Policy Center
      Wilderness Society
      Women’s Law Project
      Women’s Way

    • Harleyrider1978 says:

      But don’t worry, our President a lefty himself control the IRS so don’t worry about being targeted as they are only after TEA PARTY and republican conservative groups……….

  12. Harleyrider1978 says:

    Via Vince Hardin

    One would have to be wearing very thick rose colored glasses,suffering from dementia & just hit their thumb with a hammer to come up with this.Also,at least one of the authors is a mere advocate.(paid hack-for want of a better term) Deborah Arnott,appointed head of ASH UK.

    Standardised packaging and tobacco-industry-funded research : The Lancet

    Standardised packaging and tobacco-industry-funded research. By – Anthony A Laverty, Hilary C Watt, Deborah Arnott, Nicholas S Hopkinson

    • beobrigitte says:

      The first country to introduce standardised packaging was Australia in December, 2012. It is not expected to have an immediate effect on youth smoking rates, but rather, as with other tobacco control interventions, to have a long-term effect on youth uptake.

      In short, tobacco control interventions = epic fail.

      The Lancet is a medical journal; What are Deborah Arnott’s qualifications?

      then, towards the end:
      …available evidence does support standardised packaging of tobacco products, is welcome—as is the UK Government’s announcement that it will be bringing forward draft regulations on standardised packaging by the end of April, 2014. However, the lesson from Australia is that the tobacco industry’s struggle against standardised packaging will not cease and it is essential to guard against continued misrepresentation of the evidence.

      So, PP was a failure in Australia, yet there is “evidence” that “it works”?

      The solution:

      Wow!!! There is a growing market!!!

  13. Harleyrider1978 says:

    Life Science Log :: Extreme negative anti-smoking ads can backfire, experts find

    Health communicators have long searched for the most effective ways to convince smokers to quit. Now, University of Missouri researchers have found that using a combination of disturbing images …

  14. Harleyrider1978 says:

    E-Cigs Ruled Illegal In Australia

    Those Aussies sure do have a funny interpretation of the word ‘health’.

    From Aussie Vapers:

    After [] had been running for almost a year and was doing very well (rating on the first page of Google results etc) we suddenly got raided by the Health Department. They arrived at my house in 3 black SUV’s and proceeded to execute a search warrant. They searched through my house and proceeded to load all of the hardware I had into several black garbage bags. The search and seizure went on for about an hour and half before they decided they had found and taken enough. They also took photos etc. The whole process was pretty invasive and surreal. They alleged at the time that I and my company had breached section 106a of the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006.
    A long process ensued which resulted in the company being acquitted in October 2013.

    This made the professional bansturbators of Western Australia mighty mad. They simply cannot contemplate the existence of anything that even resembles a cigarette and fully believed they had just the law to prohibit the devices.

    Court defeat fuels move to ban e-cigs
    Yep, that’s correct. Defeat just made them more determined to try harder next time.

    Cancer Council WA director of education and research Terry Slevin said it was a legal loophole that needed to be fixed because electronic cigarettes were a growing concern.

    Mr Slevin said the Tobacco Products Control Act was due for a review and could help ban e-cigarettes as well as address issues such as the need to reduce the number of licensed tobacco retailers.

    “This incident of a failed attempt to prosecute points to the fact that the current provisions are not adequate,” he said.
    As a result, the WA “Health” Department (inverted commas because, as you know, it’s nothing to do with health) sprang into action once again (emphases mine).

    [T]he Health Department or more particularly Bruce Hawkings of the health department a few weeks later lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court.

    We appeared in the Supreme Court and we and the prosecution made our various arguments. The Judge J Pritchard adjourned the matter for deliberation. Yesterday on the 10 of April 2014 we were summoned to receive the judgement.

    Judge Pritchard found in favour of the Health Department and in her decision expanded her conclusion to determine that in effect any product E-Cig or otherwise that involves a hand to mouth action and results in the expulsion of vapour does in fact resemble a tobacco product and [therefore] falls under section 106a of the Tobacco Products Control Act of 2006.

    What does this mean? Well in short it means any model of E-Cig irrespective of its design is now illegal by case law precedent to be sold from within WA. One can only imagine that the other states may now try to follow suit.
    And so, by way of judicial precedent, e-cigs are now ruled illegal in Australia.

    This is a perfect example of the irrational, and borderline insane, mentality of a tobacco control industry drunk on power and aided by pathetically weak will of idiot politicians. Precisely the same conditions which led the US into prohibition of alcohol nearly a century ago – the damaging reverberations of which are still in evidence today – with precisely the same type of psychotic individuals running amok to the murderous detriment of the public at large.

    Anyone who claims to call themselves part of the ‘public health’ community in Australia should be feeling deeply ashamed of themselves today. But I expect they’ll be celebrating instead.

    There’s a very special place in Hell reserved for each and every one of them.

  15. garyk30 says:

    Using Public Health methods, you can prove that, on average, everyone has only ‘one’ testicle.

  16. Harleyrider1978 says:

    Croatian charged over odd treatments to quit smoking

    A Croatian pensioner who allegedly choked patients in his bathroom until they fainted in a bid to wean them off cigarettes faces a possible prison term for “charlatanism”, prosecutors said on Friday.

    With a client list that included a former government minister and a local pop star, 69-year-old Petar Miro Zanki thought he had hit on an unorthodox way of breaking the smoking habit.

    But questions have been raised over the self-proclaimed chiropractor’s methods, which included covering clients’ faces with a towel and blowing cigarette smoke into their face, according to the Jutarnji List daily.

    Another favoured treatment involved stimulating acupressure points on clients’ necks, making them lose breath.

    Two unsatisfied clients complained to prosecutors, saying Zanki had squeezed their necks until they passed out.

    They said the method had failed to help them quit smoking.

    Operating out of his bathroom in the central coastal town of Trogir, Zanki lacked any necessary qualifications for carrying out his unconventional treatments, the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

    Zanki has been charged with “charlatanism”, which carries a potential prison sentence of up to six months.

    But some clients have come out in defence of Zanki’s unusual methods, with a former agricultural minister and local celebrities saying they had positive experiences, according to local media.

    The treatments — which Zanki carried out between 2011 and 2012, cost 200 euros ($280) per session, the prosecutors said.

    Croatia, which joined EU last year, banned smoking in all public places in 2009.

    The Balkans are home to Europe’s most determined smokers, with 30 to 40 percent of all adults hooked on the habit, according to the World Health Organisation.

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