The EU Peace Myth

A week or two back I bought The Great Deception by Christopher Booker and Richard North. It’s a history of the EU, from the first inklings in the 1920s up until the present day (more or less). The book opens with Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand standing hand in hand in front of the ossuary at Douaumont, just outside Verdun in northern France.

So deep was the wound Verdun inflicted on the psyche of France that the following year her army was brought to mutiny. Its morale would never fully recover. And from this blow were to emerge two abiding lessons.

The first was a conviction that such a suicidal clash of national armies must never be repeated. The second was much more specific and immediate. It came from the realisation that the war had been shaped more than anything else by industrial power. As the battle for Verdun had developed into a remorseless military duel, trainloads of German shells were arriving at the front still warm from the factories of the Ruhr. (p. 6)

During WW1, the French had called upon the industrialist Louis Loucheur to boost French arms production. His experience led him to a conclusion:

Thus, Loucheur came to reflect, industrial organisation was the key to waging war. From this he developed the idea that, if key industries from different countries, above all their coal and steel industries on which modern warfare so much depended, were removed from the control of individual nations and vested in a ‘higher authority’, this might be the means of preserving peace. (p. 7)

The result, 30 years later, was the pooling of French and German iron and steel production, and the beginnings of what was to become the European Union.

I was familiar with this story, but it now struck me that its logic was one that it was really only applicable to its time. Yes, prodigious numbers of shells were fired by prodigious numbers of artillery pieces in WW1. But in WW2, most of the key battles were fought using mobile armoured units. And now wars are fought using primarily aircraft (including small pilotless drones) armed with laser-guided smart weapons.

War has moved on since 1914. You no longer need to produce huge amounts of steel to make prodigious numbers of shells, artillery pieces, tanks and ships. You make fewer, lighter, smarter, precision weapons.

And so one of the premises on which the EU has been founded is one that has fallen redundant. It made sense in 1914. But it makes very little sense now, 100 years on.

In fact, it might be argued that conventional warfare has itself become redundant. Should nuclear-armed France ever declare war on (most likely) nuclear-armed Germany, the war would end on Day One with all the cities of France and Germany in ruins. It would be Mutual Assured Destruction. And this is one reason why wars are now increasingly being fought by irregular soldiers, who aren’t members of any national army.

So there isn’t going to be another war between Germany and France, or between any other countries in Europe either. The idea that the EU ensures peace in Europe does not bear scrutiny. It’s a myth.

But this doesn’t mean that the kind of tensions that result in war will be absent. And it may be argued that the EU, which was created in order to prevent wars between European states, is very likely to be the cause of the next, very different conflagration.

For by becoming the ‘higher authority’ that Loucheur (and also Jean Monnet, the principal architect of the EU) envisaged, the EU has placed itself above democratic accountability. Most of its key officials are appointed, not elected. Its parliament exists only to rubber-stamp measures initiated by its Commission. The peoples of Europe are ignored – as can be seen from the several European referendums whose results have been set aside. And they are subjected to more and more rules and regulations that are spewed out of Brussels. The EU is strangling Europe.

And this where the seeds of the next conflict are being sown, and where some have already begun to germinate and grow. The future conflict will not be a conflict between the sovereign states of Europe, but between the unrepresented peoples of Europe and their despotic EU overlords. Theirs will be a struggle to regain the democratic political representation of which the EU has deprived them. It will be a war that will resemble the American War of Independence, or the French Revolution.

Initially, it will be a purely political struggle, fought through the ballot box. But as people become ever more desperate to break out from under the EU’s dead hand, it will very likely become an open insurrection, and a civil war – particularly if the EU retains substantial political support in other quarters.

And if almost the entire European political class has been sucked into the EU, it is probably because ambitious politicians will always go wherever real power lies. And all real power now resides in the EU. Furthermore, given the EU’s propensity to award itself regular pay rises, being a politician has become a highly remunerative career choice. And since most politicians don’t seem to regard it as their job to actually represent anybody any more, or try to look after their constituents’ concerns, it’s also a very easy job. And this can only result in a deepening divide between the European electorates and their new, unelected political masters.

And today, one of them duly declared it would be ‘mad’ to quit the EU:

David Cameron thinks it would be ‘mad’ for Britain to leave the EU and is secretly backing a move by Tory MPs to warn of the perils of cutting all our ties with Brussels.

And, from his point of view, it certainly would be mad.

But the pressures from below will build up anyway, and are likely to become explosive. And in this manner, that which was intended to bring peace will instead bring war.

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35 Responses to The EU Peace Myth

  1. harleyrider1978 says:

    Frank theres one weak link in the newer weapons systems,they depend upon GPS SATELITES to operate. Thats a target easily taken out in a real war with technology at its finger tips. Jamming equipment can easily reduce the rest to the stoneage in a prolonged war. Leaving simple manufacturing of fast simple equipment,with low maintenance requirements like the RPG and the AK-47 with very loose tolerances that allow it to be battefield tough. The M16 is a great weapon but costly as are most of americas fire systems. We live in an age of long range missles capable of pin point accuracy. That accuracy in a missle remains there due to on board GYRO-COMPASSES and in-flight navigation. These systems are expensive and even harder to replace taking long lead times,especially tomahawk missles which Obama hasnt bee replacing at a cool million each. The main battle tanks can be taken out too with simple low grade weapons like land mines…. Any war of any duration against a real enemy of close to equal technology can wipe out those technical hard to operate systems and hard to replace.

    I worked electronic warfare quite awhile in radar training flight crews in Russian tactics and how to evade missles and AAA. The smart weapons maybe smart,but the bad guys are still here and simply just have to wait us out,then they walk in and take over.

  2. garyk30 says:

    It has been said that nations are always ill prepared for war; because, they always prepare to fight another war like the last war.

    The wars of the future may well be economic wars, not military wars.

    Note how the EU is dictating(waging war on) to Greece and Spain.
    Don’t act as the EU wishes and there is no money.

    In America this has been going on for years. Many states would like to lower the drinking age to 18; but, the fed govt says that if you do that there will be no fed highway funds. So; even tho you can vote at 18 and serve in the military, you can’t legally buy a beer.

    If a father were to sit on his front porch and give a beer to his 20 year old wounded veteran son, both could be arrested.

    Economic wars can be just as deadly as shooting wars, blockades and trading sanctions can kill just as many people as guns.

  3. jaxthefirst says:

    I think you’re right, Frank, but I often wonder exactly what it will take to shake the masses of the general public out of their apathy and bring them out onto the streets in anger. Because for now the “salami slice” approach to democratic and personal freedoms seems to be working. Oh, for sure, people moan and groan and, by and large, most people here (and, I suspect, many in the rest of Europe, too) would like to see us out of the whole “club,” but I don’t think that even the most determined Euro-sceptic that I know, if invited, would take to the streets in protest right now, even if there was good cause to believe that they might be joined by many others.

    So, what will it take? So far, we’ve put up with (indeed many members of the public have openly embraced) persecution and prejudice against a minority (soon to become minorities), we’ve put up with being treated with the utmost contempt and disdain by our so-called “representatives,” we’ve allowed the basic values upon which our society has rested for many centuries to be shat upon from a very great height, we’ve allows many of the pillars of our cultural identity to be chipped away at, bit by bit, until they are unrecognisable as the features of our society of which we used to be proud and regard as “ours,” we’ve allowed ourselves to be bullied, belittled and ordered around, we’ve sent our bravest and finest young men and women to war to be killed and maimed and then treated shabbily on their return, we’ve allowed the idealists and the hobby-horse obsessives to dictate how we live, what we think and what we can and cannot say, and we’ve allowed a bunch of clearly self-serving parasites to sabotage our businesses and steal, first, our money and, now, our very time, and still we do nothing. We won’t even go to the trouble to put our crosses in another box than the ones our mums or dads did. It’s just too scary to contemplate.

    Will we have to wait until people’s children are starving to death, a lá the French revolution? Will it be when the ranks of the homeless outstrip the number of the “homed,” because there simply isn’t enough money left after the taxman has taken his slice to pay for even the most meagre roof over one’s head? Will it be when the economic policies of the EU – slavishly followed and enthusiastically administered by our own politicians – have brought so many companies into liquidation that even those people who haven’t been sacked already find to their dismay that their salary simply isn’t going into their bank account any more? Or will it be when all the lights go out – and I mean, literally – and then don’t come back on again?

    Or will it only be the advent of some natural disaster, like that much-talked-about Yellowstone Park caldera finally letting loose, the volcano on Tenerife (I think) blowing its top, or sudden and unanticipated climate change (not the man-made variety, of course!), or a comet strike with it’s inevitable drastic consequences, or some virulent viral disease – any of which, by killing off so many of the “common people” (the “wealthy few” having isolated themselves safely away from danger, as usual) that the few who are left wield much greater power, (comprising as they would a much smaller labour base facing a much increased demand for their services), giving them bargaining power beyond their wildest dreams, which will bring about a sort of “natural” change, wherein those who are able to provide meaningful labour are suddenly recognised as society’s engine and its most highly-valued citizens, whereas those who formerly sat at the top of the tree are suddenly shown up for what they are and always have been – worthless rule-makers and big-talkers who are capable of producing nothing except hot air, false promises, lies and restrictive rules?

    Because, to be honest, I can’t see anyone I know doing anything except keeping their heads well below the parapet and hoping that they can somehow “weather the storm” and come through unscathed, unless, of course, it becomes unavoidably obvious (and I mean really, really obvious) that no-one – no matter how obedient, or “good,” or well-behaved they might try to be – ultimately can escape the storm unless they take their heads out of the sand, get off their fat backsides, and fight it head-on. And that, I think, will take something sudden and drastic which affects everybody – the very opposite, in fact, of the slow, cunning machinations of the evil-but-oh-so-canny EU.

    • Frank Davis says:

      Maybe when plain packaging for everything comes in, the penny will start to drop.

    • Radical Rodent says:

      Maybe it is closer than we think. The powers-that-be became terrified by the respect an entire town showed for the returning dead – a respect that drew many from all over the country to share in – that they changed the route (through where, now, I have no idea – which was the idea!), fobbing the town off with a “Royal” patronage in recompense.

      But the dissent is still simmering; it shows itself in devious form, as seen in the run of the Olympic torch, when those wounded in warfare, such as Ben Parkinson, were given enthusiastic support, while others were more muted.

      • Geoff Orr says:

        “Royal Wootton Bassett” is the very small town of which you think, down the road from the now closed RAF Lyneham and Swindon where the dead British were repatriated.

  4. harleyrider1978 says:

    Its funny here we are talking wars,in America the gun rights people are talking war, just a few years ago the riots broke out over greece,italy,spain etc. Arab Spring new threats emerging and the whitehouse funding and arming them. The Government buying upwards of 2 billion new bullets,the IRS buying 18,000 new riot shotguns for its newly hired revenuers for Mr Owebamas new taxes to be collected. Smoking bans,gay marriage,impending economic collapse worldwide,printed money and mega inflation on the horizon………and Ive got a bad tooth needing a root canal keeping me up all nite tonight! Im going to the whiskey cabinent,taa!

  5. harleyrider1978 says:

    Couldnt take it no more,went to the ER sign says NO SMOKING,NO PIPES,NO CHEWING TOBACCO……….RIGHT below the sign was an ASHTRAY! Right inside the door the janitor and 2 nurses smoking inside with an ashtray! Got some pain killers and anti-biotics……… to bed guys have a good one!

    • Frank Davis says:

      I had a bit of a tooth-ache over Christmas (when else does one get these things?), but after my face had started swelling up, the tooth subsided. No trouble since.

      • RdM says:

        I went through a possibly similar suffering a few years back, infection gone, dried out, as described later by my dentist;- I paraphrase.

        Still needed a root canal filling treatment but it was an easy & non-stinky one.

        Time of the event, it was poverty put off examination until weeks or months later, but I wonder ~ no, I reckon; I think ~ I saw some studies on oral health too, suggesting that maybe tobacco inhalation is not all bad for oral health… bad germs there !! ;=})

        Still, find a friendly dentist;- that doesn’t charge too much, knows about mercury fillings maybe too, and… doesn’t mind that he’s so good that you don’t have to go back often!!

        (I like too that mine’s happy to describe at a technical level exactly what he’s doing & what’s going on – I’m a kind of technical guy – and there’s art on the wall, husband wife.)

        ~ R. {bacchanalia:}

        P.S. Xmas too, as well as a happy new year:

        The case for Xmas — yes, Xmas

  6. Walt says:

    Jax1 said everything that was vaguely formulating in my head but said it better that I ever could. (Tho I’m not even certain that Armageddon, in any form it might possibly take, would serve to arouse the sleeping cattle ) At the time the EU was formed, I said (to myself and selected Loved Ones) that what it would end as was Oceania or otherwise lead into WW3. I now amend that to think Oceania with no alternative. As for the pols, aside from the motives you choose to ascribe, I also believe that they’re muddled Idealists who see a Utopian Socialist State as the Answer to Everything. Only, of course, if they and their buddies are running the show. And getting the power to change the world to conform to the fancies that dance in their heads. Along with the ego trips and the perks.

    Up until now and the last election, I’ve been an ardent political junkie and deeply involved in watching the news and taking whatever actions I could. Now I tune into rerun movies or turn the set off and listen to jazz. Except on the vibrant issue of smoking, I’ve learned futility. This is a country that wants Obama. The vote in New York gave him something like well over 80%. And the Youth of America, trained and very carefully washed by the growing State, is mostly Progressive, hoping to be in the next generation of ruling elite, or believe that the rulers at least have it right. Hitler said if you gave him The Children, he’d give you the future. He may have been right. I withdraw to my garden until such time as the barricades beckon but doubt that they will. The rest of the cattle are born to the meadow and seem unlikely to flirt with the fence.

  7. Rose says:

    Excuse me, Frank.

    Harley, did I see you mention Clive Bates somewhere recently?

    You might find this interesting, if you hadn’t read it before.

    Letter to The Publican re. protecting employees from passive smoking
    7th June 1999

    Dear Editor

    Re: smoking in pubs

    It is true that the Health and Safety Executive is developing a new Approved Code of Practice to deal with passive smoking in the workplace (Pubs face new smoking bans, Code is a blow, 7th June 1999). All the ACOP will do is provide meaningful guidance on how the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) should be applied to tobacco smoke in the workplace. This law already exists and has no exemptions for the hospitality industry. The ACOP will clarify the law and help publicans comply with it.

    A new ACOP would not mean that all smoking must be banned in pubs. The heart of the law is that employers have an obligation to do what is reasonably practicable to reduce their employees’ exposure. That could include segregation,ventilation, banning smoking at the bar or other measures. It also means the ‘do nothing and ignore it’ approach is not an option. The best approach for any pub is to wholeheartedly embrace the Charter agreed by the Government and trade bodies such as ALMR and BII and to do what is reasonable and practical to protect their employees. That is good professional business, and it should not be a cause for alarm, despair or resistence.

    Yours sincerely,
    Clive Bates

    And I’m sure we all remember how segregation turned out, rather than going to their own non-smoking room the non-smokers didn’t want to be singled out and piled into the smoking room with their friends. If the local pub had been a ship it would have capsized.

    Not the response ASH wanted and later used to say that these restrictions weren’t working.


    Letter to GlaxoSmithKline

    “Most of the measures that drive people to want to quit smoking and use GSK products are exactly those that are opposed by tobacco companies.

    Such measures include:
    Restrictions on smoking in public places and workplaces.”

    Clive Bates

    Click to access ASH_635.pdf

    “Drive” you’ll note.

    ASH and Thompsons’ Tell Employers:
    Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned Over Secondhand Smoke
    12 January 2004

    “ASH has sent a registered letter to all the UK’s leading hospitality trade employers , warning them that the ” date of guilty knowledge ” under the Health and Safety at Work Act is now past, and that employers should therefore know of the risks of exposing their staff to secondhand smoke.

    Employers who continue to permit smoking in the workplace are therefore likely to be held liable by the courts for any health damage caused.”

    But this “date of guilty knowledge” had already been decided 1n 1998 before Clive Bates letter to the Publican, saying that “A new ACOP would not mean that all smoking must be banned in pubs”.

    “The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (the 1974 Act) imposes a general duty on employers to their employees and provides that:

    ‘It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as reasonable practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.’

    Very necessary in the days when workers were having their arms ripped off by unguarded machinery.”

    The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

    How it came to be applied to pubs explained by the aforementioned solicitors.

    “The key factor in personal injury claims under the 1974 Act is not whether the employer in fact knew about the risks of particular substances or practices in the work place, but whether they ought to have known in the light of knowledge available at that time. This is the concept of ‘guilty knowledge’.

    In 1998 ASH obtained a legal opinion from John Melville Williams QC which suggests that the date of guilty knowledge in respect of SHS would be likely to be held by the Courts to be some time in the early 1990s.”

    Or was it 1998 the year after Clive Bates joined ASH after leaving Greenpeace.

    “In a legal opinion obtained by ASH, J. Melville Williams QC suggests that not only has the date of guilty knowledge passed for employers, but also for the Health & Safety Executive and Commission. He further suggests that ETS should be formally recognized to be within the 1988 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, not least because of the 4000 carcinogens that it is believed to contain; this would oblige employers to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.”

    Green campaigner and marketing specialist to take charge at ASH
    16 June 1997

    “In 1992, he started work for Greenpeace, specialising in energy, global warming and ozone protection, though also working as a lobbyist across a wide range of environmental concerns – including the Brent Spar and French nuclear testing. In 1996 he left Greenpeace to join an international campaign organisation, IIEC, working in Eastern Europe and lobbying in the Climate Convention.”


    International Institute for Energy Conservation.

    January 1997

    LETTER : Freeze points to need for climate action

    “Sir: Paradoxically, a severe cold spell is a very appropriate moment for a robust lead article on global warming (4 January). However, the article implies that the recent cold weather is probably a natural variation from the trend of gradual temperature increases. That is certainly possible, but it could just as easily be a perverse consequence of global warming itself.

    The extra heat trapped by greenhouse gases changes the circulation of the atmosphere and may even disrupt major systems such as the Gulf Stream. If the changed circulation means that Britain gets more of its weather from the Arctic than from the Caribbean, global warming may cause local cooling.”


    International Institute for Energy Conservation

  8. magnetic01 says:

    Why tobacco might be in your next flu shot–why-tobacco-might-be-in-your-next-flu-shot

    And this would probably have the antismoking fanatics in eye-rolling, spittle-flying fits:

    Strictly breaks can be a bit of a drag! Stars spotted smoking as they prepare for live tour

    • Rose says:

      I had no idea about the flu vaccine.

      “Medicago, which develops vaccines for a variety of infectious diseases worldwide, is using tobacco plants to fight the flu thanks to their genetic properties and low maintenance costs.”

      Now I know Clive Bates has no objection to pharming because he told me so, but I wondered what other anti-tobacco people thought about using their most feared and hated plant to grow vaccines.

      Tobacco giant Philip Morris plans plant flu vaccine for China
      Sept 25 2012

      “Even if the product is one that aims to protect people’s health, partnering with the world’s second-biggest tobacco manufacturer puts Medicago in danger of being a public-relations pawn, said Neil Collishaw of Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada.

      “They [Philip Morris]go out of their way to trumpet corporate social responsibility, but we and our colleagues have documented that that is mostly public relations fluff to mask some really odious behaviour that involves addicting, poisoning and killing their customers,” said Mr. Collishaw.”

      Perhaps it’s only OK when the drugs companies do it.

  9. harleyrider1978 says:

    Our work to protect our children and improve the public’s health is not complete. Today, tobacco is the leading
    preventable cause of death not just in America, but also
    in the world.”
    President Barack Obama

    Adolph Hitler 1943

    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
    (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler; 1943)

  10. Frank Davis says:

    One of the authors of The Great Deception, the political analyst Richard North, has read the above essay, and commented on it.

    ‘Good piece!’ he wrote.

    I’m rather pleased about that. And it suggests that he may well think along similar lines. Although I am sure that he has thought about it far longer, and far harder, than I have

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Frank the folks from one of our nemisi’s at the John Hopkins School of public health,the same ones who created the last big smokingban heart attack junk science. Well there on CSPAN right now explaining their latest creation to aid Owebama in his war on guns and gun owners. Their study a creation modeled exactly like the second hand smoke junk science with breakdowns and even some new terms coined. Guess what race they had as the future to commit gun crimes WHITES with a 2.0 rr followed by blacks at 1.7 rr……

      What Im getting at here is these nazis are and as we can see are using epidemiology studies and cooking the books to boot to aid the political arm at every turn.

      When it came to Global warming hype Heidi klum the leftist on CNN/weather channel created hottie climatologist said and I quote,we are using the latest methods in our research to man made climate change using epidemiological studies to enhance our perspective on this subject”!

      If anybody hasnt caught on yet to the deception being unfolded before our eyes in this JUNK SCIENCE to support POLITICAL CAUSES OF THE LEFT……….youd have to be blind and deaf!

  11. harleyrider1978 says:

    Forgot to add BLOOMBERG financed it!

    Click to access WhitePaper102512_CGPR.pdf

  12. harleyrider1978 says:

    This isnt abuse of science this is a propaganda mill even Joseph Goebbels – Propaganda Principles would be amazed!
    German Nazi Party member Joseph Goebbels became Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister in 1933, which gave him power over all German radio, press, cinema, …

  13. harleyrider1978 says:


    Based upon Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda by Leonard W. Doob, published in Public Opinion and Propaganda; A Book of Readings edited for The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

    1. Propagandist must have access to intelligence concerning events and public opinion.

    2. Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority.

    a. It must issue all the propaganda directives.

    b. It must explain propaganda directives to important officials and maintain their morale.

    c. It must oversee other agencies’ activities which have propaganda consequences

    3. The propaganda consequences of an action must be considered in planning that action.

    4. Propaganda must affect the enemy’s policy and action.

    a. By suppressing propagandistically desirable material which can provide the enemy with useful intelligence

    b. By openly disseminating propaganda whose content or tone causes the enemy to draw the desired conclusions

    c. By goading the enemy into revealing vital information about himself

    d. By making no reference to a desired enemy activity when any reference would discredit that activity

    5. Declassified, operational information must be available to implement a propaganda campaign

    6. To be perceived, propaganda must evoke the interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting communications medium.

    7. Credibility alone must determine whether propaganda output should be true or false.

    8. The purpose, content and effectiveness of enemy propaganda; the strength and effects of an expose; and the nature of current propaganda campaigns determine whether enemy propaganda should be ignored or refuted.

    9. Credibility, intelligence, and the possible effects of communicating determine whether propaganda materials should be censored.

    10. Material from enemy propaganda may be utilized in operations when it helps diminish that enemy’s prestige or lends support to the propagandist’s own objective.

    11. Black rather than white propaganda may be employed when the latter is less credible or produces undesirable effects.

    12. Propaganda may be facilitated by leaders with prestige.

    13. Propaganda must be carefully timed.

    a. The communication must reach the audience ahead of competing propaganda.

    b. A propaganda campaign must begin at the optimum moment

    c. A propaganda theme must be repeated, but not beyond some point of diminishing effectiveness

    14. Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.

    a. They must evoke desired responses which the audience previously possesses

    b. They must be capable of being easily learned

    c. They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations

    d. They must be boomerang-proof

    15. Propaganda to the home front must prevent the raising of false hopes which can be blasted by future events.

    16. Propaganda to the home front must create an optimum anxiety level.

    a. Propaganda must reinforce anxiety concerning the consequences of defeat

    b. Propaganda must diminish anxiety (other than concerning the consequences of defeat) which is too high and which cannot be reduced by people themselves

    17. Propaganda to the home front must diminish the impact of frustration.

    a. Inevitable frustrations must be anticipated

    b. Inevitable frustrations must be placed in perspective

    18. Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.

    19. Propaganda cannot immediately affect strong counter-tendencies; instead it must offer some form of action or diversion, or both.

  14. beobrigitte says:

    Another great essay, Frank!

    So there isn’t going to be another war between Germany and France, or between any other countries in Europe either. The idea that the EU ensures peace in Europe does not bear scrutiny. It’s a myth.

    Actually, it was a comment in the BBC News which prompted me to spend a few thoughts on the EU. It was a comment I have heard/read many times over the years and used to shrug off laughing; yet a couple of days ago I began to wonder if the EU REALLY is becoming “the great union” it’s politicians make us believe.
    The comment from the BBC newsreader simply was:
    “Don’t mention the war – it might upset the Germans.”
    Perhaps “the Germans” need to be upset in order to stop pushing for this – at it’s current state unworkable and somewhat utopic – european union. It has become the very dictatorship we all try to avoid and if possible, escape from. For us Germans the “collective guilt” is getting in the way of clear thought. The propaganda machine keeps on rolling.

    Harley’s comment above:
    Our work to protect our children and improve the public’s health is not complete. Today, tobacco is the leading
    preventable cause of death not just in America, but also
    in the world.”
    President Barack Obama

    Adolph Hitler 1943
    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
    (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler; 1943)

    prompts the question:
    What the hell are we all doing??

    And if almost the entire European political class has been sucked into the EU, it is probably because ambitious politicians will always go wherever real power lies. And all real power now resides in the EU. Furthermore, given the EU’s propensity to award itself regular pay rises, being a politician has become a highly remunerative career choice. And since most politicians don’t seem to regard it as their job to actually represent anybody any more, or try to look after their constituents’ concerns, it’s also a very easy job. And this can only result in a deepening divide between the European electorates and their new, unelected political masters.

    Who needs enemies with friends like this?

  15. harleyrider1978 says:

    Anybody wonder why the BBC is always on the side of the nannys now! Or americas leftist news media………who is calling and directing the shots in this global war on us all! Somebody is in charge and making the directives we hear about each day. That John Hopkins study wasnt just done yesterday it was made to support owebamas war on guns and it was done on purpose.
    Is it Brussels,Is it the UN in new york,Is it the White house…………somebody is making it happen and in a back scratching motion of released headlines with supporting cast.

  16. magnetic01 says:

    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
    (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler; 1943)

    You’ll have to watch this “Hitler quote” you’re using. This “quote” is NOT accurate.

    I, and others, have looked at a number of translations of Mein Kampf and there’s nothing remotely resembling the above quote. The following link discusses where that “quote” originated:

    This is the paper (essay) that you’re actually quoting and not Mein Kampf; it’s someone’s extrapolation of some Nazi thinking.

    This short essay references the first sentence – “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people” – as from a 1943 translation of Mein Kampf. But even this singular sentence and/or its context might be arguable.

    This is not to say that tyranny does not typically go after The Children; the Nazis had the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls. However, the quote you are using is not from Mein Kampf.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Yes I was aware of the controversy and I had found others who said it was in the newest german translation of 1943. But it does appear its a crop together of other statements by the Furher.

      So we can go with the below for now:

      “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
      ― Adolf Hitler
      “Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”
      ― Adolf Hitler

      President Barack Obama
      Our work to protect our children and improve the public’s health is not complete. Today, tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death not just in America, but also
      in the world.”
      President Barack Obama

      Eric Holder
      He said we need to “brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way.” That “vastly different way” is that Holder thinks gun owners should be thought of the way “smokers” are, “who cower outside buildings and don’t really want to admit it.”

      • harleyrider1978 says:

        “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
        ― Adolf Hitler

        Surgeon General Carmona 2006

        ”There is no safe level to second hand smoke”

        OSHA 1997

        Field studies of environmental tobacco smoke indicate that under normal conditions, the components in tobacco smoke are diluted below existing Permissible Exposure Levels (PELS.) as referenced in the Air Contaminant Standard (29 CFR 1910.1000)…It would be very rare to find a workplace with so much smoking that any individual PEL would be exceeded.” -Letter From Greg Watchman, Acting Sec’y, OSHA, To Leroy J Pletten, PHD, July 8, 1997

  17. garyk30 says:

    Just a thought.
    All of the health care nannies and others that feel that there is no safe level of one thing or another must be God fearing believers.

    The ‘no safe level’ is the ‘Pre-cautionary Principle’ that says “if there is any possibility of harm, action must be taken to prevent that harm”.

    Many religions believe that there is an after-life in some form of a Hell for the non-believers.

    Hell is usually a very nasty place to be for eternity.

    If there is even only the remotest possibility of going to Hell for being an ‘un-believer’, the Pre-cautionary Principle would mandate being a God fearing ‘Believer’!!!

    The nannies, on principle, must be God fearing Believers.
    But, such Believers could not and would not treat others(smokers) as they have done.

    Folks that athiests have a gambling problem.
    Since there is a 50/50 chance of there being God and everyone must die, they face a 50% chance of winding up in Hell when they die for no real gain while they were alive.

    Rules for enjoying red wine;
    1. Open the bottle to allow the wine to breathe.

    2. If the wine does not appear to be breathing, apply the ‘mouth to mouth’ solution!!!

    • garyk30 says:

      I am in the middle of saving the life of a bottle of red wine.

      There are no signs of breathing; but, I shall continue on until the end!!!

      • harleyrider1978 says:

        Frank my wife has the same problem Dying bottles of wine that wont breathe on their own. Ive tried to get her to do the 2 person CPR maneuver but she adamantly refuses the help. There was once I heard the wine bottle actually gasp as air escaped the sides of the rmouth to the cajoined bottles air way. But as usual she had sucked the life blood from the victim……………..

        • harleyrider1978 says:

          Sorry I had a slightly retarded child calling and knocking me off line as I was typing and posting.

          Gary, my wife has the same problem with Dying bottles of wine that wont breathe on their own. Ive tried to get her to do the 2 person CPR maneuver but she adamantly refuses the help. There was once I heard the wine bottle actually gasp as air escaped the sides of the her mouth to the cajoined bottles air way. But as usual she had sucked the life blood from the victim……………..

  18. harleyrider1978 says:

    Frank perhaps a topic of the use of modern day propaganda via hitlers propaganda outlines.

  19. harleyrider1978 says:

    As Magnetic points out thru the years its INFLAMATORY PROPAGANDA at work.

    He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
    ― Adolf Hitler

    “Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”
    ― Adolf Hitler

    President Barack Obama
    Our work to protect our children and improve the public’s health is not complete. Today, tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death not just in America, but also
    in the world.”

    Obama administration to push for eliminating smoking on college campuses

    Colleges who fail to enact campus-wide smoking bans and other tobacco-free policies may soon face the loss of grants and contracts from the HHS, according to the plan. Western receives grants through a subdivision of the HHS called the National Institutes of Health, Acting Vice Provost for Research Kathleen Kitto said.

    Hitler’s Anti-Tobacco Campaign

    It comes as little surprise to discover that the phrase “passive smoking” (Passivrauchen) was coined by Fritz Lickint, the author of the magisterial 1100-page Tabak und Organismus (“Tobacco and the Organism”), which was produced in collaboration with the German Anti-Tobacco League.

    Eric Holder
    He said we need to “brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way.” That “vastly different way” is that Holder thinks gun owners should be thought of the way “smokers” are, “who cower outside buildings and don’t really want to admit it.”

    “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
    ― Adolf Hitler

    Surgeon General Carmona 2006

    ”There is no safe level to second hand smoke”

    OSHA 1997

    Field studies of environmental tobacco smoke indicate that under normal conditions, the components in tobacco smoke are diluted below existing Permissible Exposure Levels (PELS.) as referenced in the Air Contaminant Standard (29 CFR 1910.1000)…It would be very rare to find a workplace with so much smoking that any individual PEL would be exceeded.” -Letter From Greg Watchman, Acting Sec’y, OSHA, To Leroy J Pletten, PHD, July 8, 1997

  20. Pingback: The Logic of EU Growth | Frank Davis

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