The Teardrop Explodes

For the past week or so, on and off, I’ve been building some computer simulation models of water. Or something that’s maybe a bit like water.  Well, maybe more like porridge. Or sand. It’s a framework of bodies connected by struts.  I connect them all up in a triangulated framework, and then drop it onto a floor. And when the struts get too long, they snap, and what had been a rectangular framework starts coming apart.  The one on the right started out as a nice rectangular-shaped grid of triangles, and stayed that way until it hit the floor, when the struts started snapping, and it began to slump and spread. Just like sandcastles slump if you add too much water to the sand.

In some of them, the failure of the framework is quite spectacular – particularly if you drop the thing from a considerable height -, and bodies get fired at high velocity in all directions, as the whole framework explodes when it hits the ground.

And while I was writing it and testing it, and also thinking about smoking bans and stuff, I started to think that human societies were very much like these frameworks, with each body as a person, connected to other persons by ties that are called ‘relationships’. And when you subject the whole ‘society’  to extreme stress, like when you drop it on the floor, those ties are likely to start breaking, and what had been a single society starts to break apart into blocks, just like the slumping sandcastle in my simulation model.

And I think that this is what happens as a result of smoking bans. Because smoking bans are things that are done to whole societies, whole countries, not just individual pubs or towns here and there. And when you subject an entire society to extreme stress, it will start breaking apart. At the outset, from the outside, it doesn’t look like too much has happened, but that’s because you can’t see all the broken ties inside. You maybe just can see a crack or two on the outside (e.g. closed pubs here and there), and dismiss it as unimportant. But inside, everything is moving in slow motion, gradually falling apart. The cracks get bigger and bigger, and things start visibly falling apart.

And the thing is that, when you finally start to notice that the cracks are getting bigger, and figure out what the cause of it is, it’s too late to do anything about it. Because once the ties have broken, they stay broken.

So even if you rescind the smoking ban, and take the pressure off, you’ve still got a broken society, and one that’s coming apart faster and faster.

I wonder if the antismoking zealots realise that something like this is happening? They push and push, and shove and shove. Do they know what they’re doing? I suspect that they haven’t a clue.

But they might well end up with something like this (right), which is a teardrop hitting the floor. The whole society disintegrates.

Will they say that they hadn’t expected anything like that to happen?

Will they say that they were just trying to get a few people to quit smoking?

Is that what they’ll be saying when they’re all lined up against a wall and shot?

We’ll see.

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20 Responses to The Teardrop Explodes

  1. Leg-iron says:

    You’re right there.

    Some pubs, cafes and restaurants were so keen to boot smokers out that even if all restrictions on smoking anywhere were lifted, I’ll never visit them again. I’ll never again be comfortable on a plane, train or bus and will not bother with their station/airport shops, bars or cafes again.

    Some people, too, have become so revoltingly smug that even if the ban were lifted and those people took up smoking, I’d still have nothing to do with them.

    A great deal of what those Righteous have broken cannot now be repaired.

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      If they took up smoking that would mean a major charachter change,by a smokers standards that means their now one of us. But, Im sure your right theyd still be an arsehole!

      • Leg-iron says:

        If they took up smoking because it was ‘approved’ they would be the same as those who had Habitat furniture to look cool. Dickheads. I still wouldn’t like them.

  2. Walt says:

    Well, I agree. My natural, assumed and unreflecting tie with my “society” is broken. My countrymen have revealed themselves as idiotic bigots and my government, as a writ-large version of Nurse Ratched. But I don’t think either It or the various They’s behind it could give a rat’s A if the tear the social fabric. I think, like all utopians– including Marx and Mao–they believe that you, indeed, must destroy the status quo to create your new Eden. Break eggs to make omelets. Further, they have obvious contempt for “the people” whom they merely seek to regularize, motivate and control. “They” are the elite; we are just the lumpen and misguided mass. We’re messy and they’re neat, and their ideal is that scene out of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” where we’re all on a conveyor belt, going where they direct us.

    And finally, as we know, they’re not through dividing. And the more they can divide us (smokers, then obese, then drinkers, then whatever new scapegoats they can target), the stronger they become. Divide and conquer. And the fewer of us there are (the more than can browbeat smokers and drinkers and errant pastrami-eaters into giving it up or can instill a sense of shame), the easier it becomes to finally pick us off.

    Dividing us, in fact, is their planned path to Victory.

  3. Tom says:

    I just read an interesting piece talking about man’s basic cruelty toward man and propensity toward sin and how it bares itself out looking at the last century when two world wars exemplified some of the most cruel and inhumane tortures and abuse any one group could perform upon another, and then talked about the Nazis and Russian history both. During the time of the camps in Germany, people of high culture sipped fine wines, read fine literature, listening to fine music under fine paintings in beautiful and uplifting surroundings, backed up by their own high education and sophistications, they were none-the-less, most of them, who actually lived near or on the camps, who worked there, were well aware of babies being burned alive, being torn out of pregnant mothers’ stomachs pre-birth, of the tortures and nearly indescribable cruelties – the tortures to body parts, the vivisections, the feeding of feces, the annihilations of groups huddled in terror. And that is a bit how the oh-so-sophisticated anti-smoking industry and its elitist comrades behave nowadays, in regard to victimizing and torturing the smokers, in full disrespect of the Geneva Convention which says it a cruelty to do so, they enjoy among their small cadre the finest most enlightening accoutrements of civilization, pretending to be educated, but lacking so much in wisdom they can disengage themselves from the very cruelty they’ve unleashed against all those who are not like them and for whom they lack any respect at all, for basic humaness of others, they fail to respect.

  4. smokervoter says:

    I’ve been thinking about not only the damage that’s been done to smokers but to all of those who now find themselves in the second tier of society thanks to the heartless and superficial world created by healthist doctors and scientists. People are no longer people anymore, instead they are accounting entries in the health cost register. Join us in smokefree, perfect-BMI bliss or reside forever on the outside is the message. How does anyone become that detached from life? By studying people like so many lab rats, that’s how.

    I had a very sweet overweight girl crying on my shoulder today while talking about these things. I wish one of these lifestyle doctors, with anti-freeze coursing through their steely veins, could have been there to marvel at the end result of their grand schemes.

  5. P. Ondrin says:

    My natural, assumed and unreflecting tie with my “society” is broken.

    Do you remember when you could walk up to anyone in the street and ask for a light? Engage in a short, or sometimes long, conversation? Did the circle of people you knew, even if only slightly, get bigger and bigger? Or is that just a distorted, rose tinted memory? I haven’t been offered a cigarette by anyone in at least the last ten years. Speak to a complete stranger in the street now and you will be viewed with suspicion. Perhaps it was always that way – the memory plays tricks.

    I haven’t smoked for over 25 years – gave up for financial reasons. Looking back I think the efforts to get smoking classed as anti-social behaviour started with enthusiasm in the late sixties. Films showing the dangers of smoking were shown in schools about then. Commercial breaks between television programmes started to drip feed the message. A forty year plan came together with the smoking ban. By then the smoking majority had become a minority. I think (and this is not a criticism) it wasn’t really until then that smokers woke up to what was going on.

    It seems safe to assume that it will take another forty years to reverse the ban. Studies are needed to show the dangers of not smoking. Estimates must be made as to the increased cost to the NHS of stress related illnesses caused by not smoking. Increased incidence of B. O. in non smokers? Endless fun with figures. The plan is there, just has to be reversed.

    I must get out more…………

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Actually it wont take 40 years to reverse anything cause and effect will lift the bans! Society cannot stand with such restrictions upon society,the core goes into meltdown then goes critical! Mass fallout happens! The fallout spreads with the prevailing winds and then its just over!

      • harleyrider1978 says:

        If the bans had ended with simply indoor bans Id agree it would take 40 years or more,but like all good radicals as much as we want back our liberty they want to wipe out tobacco and no obstacle is to great to them.As Dr.Siegel and a few others have pointed out with the outdoor bans they ”RISKED IT ALL”. Thats the key to much is to much and leads nanny down the road to the gallows.They will hang themselves as they did with the 23 times claim. Their destroying their own credibility like they had any to begin with. We are challenging even their basic core of beliefs on the smoking and LC theory,it has to make people stand up and question everything since the 1964 sg report. Franks study yesterday by the doc from sweden or norway really throws a monkey wrench into their gears! We are doing a great job of being the wind of change,the tsunami of liberty and truth. Chris Snowden,Frank,Mcfadden etc tear the nannies core apart at everyturn. The nannies are infighting scared their world is starting to crummble,the economic meltdown is affecting their incomes. Big pharma is under attack,regime change in America is comming and nanny knows it. Theyve lost their MSA moneys,obamas stimulus cash to keep nanny financed is running out and that means no more cash for those towns and cities that passed bans when it was dangled in their faces will keep comming in each year any more. Nanny knows without extreme cash to keep the propaganda mill going daily the public will soon forget the message. In politics they say the memory of the public is only about 6 weeks. Take that and the fact its really only a small percentage thay actually work in anti-tobacco and it shant take long.The media requires dollars to push an agenda, except for the small percent of public ad space they give out to these radicals for free. How do you change a vote,with cash and lots of it. How do you destroy religion and movements,make it to overbearing! Then as the catholic church proved by changing its own dogma thru the centuries to keep up with changing times. Selling forgiveness became big business,then that graft led to even more radical change protestanism! Change while its a time tested occurrence happens when radical moments occurr like elections.

  6. harleyrider1978 says:

    Frank,I was wtching this movie set during prohibition in chicago. The setting was all the gangland murder going on over turf and speakeasys.It seems that they had coppers getting killed 2 per week at the height of prohibition in 1932. The cops were a force that had been strained to the max a city and state government so taxed to the breaking point by prohibition to keep the public thinking they were fighting the crime they started basically framing folks for murders and putting them in prison whether they actually did it or not. The movie shows how graft was so deep in every aspect of government at the time.The cops were like the mob in the aspect that they threatened people to testify or else.Especially those who ran a small speakeasy where evene the cops would drop in for a drink pick up their payoffs and move on. A very lucrative arrangement for all concerned. In essence the fabric of society was destroyed neighbor turning on neighbor,a snitch or stooley could be anyone a society that had gone over the edge!

    Today weve got the same bigotted attitudes driving such changes. Our neighbors now can report you for smoking near the park,smoking near a child or smoking at the pub. Now we have neighbors suing neighbors over a smoke outside in common areas ie schuma case. We have people with as some have stated a ” somatic fear’ induced by government nannies to the level people are in fear of their lives!

    Can it escalate more,yes indeed as we all know prohibition was steam rolled in after the great war on smoking in america between 1900 and 1920. Americas young and especially the freshly liberated ladies with the vote,took up smoking and the nitelife along with their new clothes the ”FLAPPER”. Dancing the charleston in these new things called speakeasies! The dawn of womens liberation was built on the back of a moralist crusade that backfired terribly. These young ladies became a large force and voice in changing prohibition,but the nitelife and excitement was an alluring aphrodisiac that seduced the young into that new illicit nitelife………In later years songs like ”smoking in the bathroom ” came out in the 1950s as we still suffered moral restricions in america,the youth still revolted thru song and action! Then came the flower children and more songs against restrictions of life and liberty, a war that nobody wanted and a draft that left 50,000 dead kids. The drug war and psychedelic revolt! The cultural changes brought on by PROHIBITION in all the world changed attitudes even decades and generations later,until the prohibitions showed back up to end the party! History repeats itself yet again……………

    • harleyrider1978 says:

      Call Northside 777

      James Stewart stars in this documentary-style legal drama based on a true story. During Prohibition, Frank Wiecek (Richard Conte) is falsely accused and imprisoned for killing a cop in a speakeasy. His mother, Tillie (Kasia Orzazewski), has a fierce belief in her son’s innocence, but it’s only when reporter P.J. McNeal (Stewart) starts investigating the crime 11 years later that the truth comes to light. Lee J. Cobb costars as McNeal’s editor.

  7. George Speller says:

    I know you ddn’t mean to make me even angrier, Frank. But by God, I am!

  8. harleyrider1978 says:

    Its over Frank

    Forecast We’re on our own now!

    Cameron uses the veto for first time to opt out of new treaty to save the euro and give more power to Brussels

    PM declares: ‘I had to pursue Britain’s interests… I effectively wielded the veto’

    French President Sarkozy says Cameron’s demands were ‘unacceptable’
    London Mayor Boris Johnson says PM had ‘played a blinder’
    Lib Dem MEP accuses Cameron of ‘betraying Britain’

    Only UK and Hungary certain to stay out of new grouping – and Sweden and Czech Republic may join them in two-tier EU
    After 10 hours of talks 17 Eurozone members and six other countries decide to go ahead with a ‘fiscal pact’
    City analyst: ‘The PM was never going to throw away the advantage the UK holds in financial services, and thank goodness. In the boom times financial services account for one in six pounds collected in tax’

    Rise in Italian and Spanish bond yields this morning

    Read more:

  9. Gary K. says:

    Exploding antis claims is also fun!!!

    In America, the antis claim there is a loss of $97 billion in productivity/wages per year due to smokers pre-mature deaths.

    However; when a smoker dies,the company will just hire another worker to earn those wages and there is NO loss to society of wages earned.

    Since there are many millions of un-employed, there is no shortage of people looking for work.

    Antis also claim that smokers cost society $96 billion per year in health care costs.

    Apparently they think that smokers get the money, put it jars, and bury the money somewhere.

    Actually, the money goes right to another part of society and that is the health care providers.

    There is NO net cost to cociety.

  10. Brigitte says:

    Cameron uses the veto for first time to opt out of new treaty to save the euro and give more power to Brussels..

    EU Anti-smokerland ist abgebrannt….. La… la…. lalla-la-la

    (Sorry Reinhold!!!!!!! – could not resist this……… Of course I wish the people of my home country would not have to endure this, ban-addicts lobbying infiltration of government, once again!
    Loosing Brussels means a lot for many people of this country here – I have endured a 4 year smoking ban, witnessing the death of pure, wonderful english pubs and with that english social life. (Just as is happening right now in Bavaria to good old German pubs and good old german social life- surely our American friends here can assure us all that all is not well over the big pond, either!! The Americas are as fed up as the English!!!!!).
    And…… I will call on the English to help us once again………

  11. ftumch says:

    I always thought you were American, so a commendable use of the word “arsehole” :D
    Call Northside 777
    Looks good, watched the first two parts here:

    I’m a sucker for old movies, particularly noir (tho technically, apparently, it isn’t), but I’ve just recently watched the PBS shows on prohibition (as recommended by Dick Puddlecote), so I’m in the zone, as they say. i was hoping to watch the rest tonight, but been busy. I did dig out this tho:
    The two guys wrongly convicted.
    A touching comment on the lives of the two men after they were released. The poison of Prohibition lasted a lot longer than many might think.

  12. harleyrider1978 says:

    Ft thanks and Briggitte the fight isnt over yet,but by GAWD thing is looking up! We have been fighting th egood fight for years and many others for decades…… appears the economies taking care of nanny for us in the end…….Hate to say that because so many will suffer,but freedom is never won without suffering. It makes the win that much more savoring when it does come!

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